Autumn is suitable for drinking 14 kinds of porridge

In the summer and fall season, there will be a weakening of the spleen and stomach function, especially the physically weak ones. Porridge is the best diet to adjust the spleen and stomach at this time, drink porridge in the morning after the beginning of autumn, both diarrhea autumn cool, but also prevent Qiuzao.

The most suitable porridge in autumn is cornmeal sweet potato porridge. Cornmeal is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients, sweet potatoes have a prolonged efficacy. The specific approach is: 100 grams of cornmeal, first with cold water into a paste, after the water is boiled and then put, and then cut into pieces of sweet potato together, gently stirred to prevent cornmeal stick to the bottom of the pot. When the porridge is cooked, use simmer, and the middle can be cold water several times. The cornmeal sweet potato porridge is not thin or thick.

Hawthorn porridge: hawthorn and glutinous rice cook, eat it regularly can prevent high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, excessive obesity embolism.

Sesame porridge: chopped sesame seeds and rice cook, can cure dizziness, memory loss, hair premature white and so on.

Lotus rice porridge: After the lotus rice is made to rise, wipe the skin with a brush in the water, take out the lotus root and put the water to boil, then cook it with the glutinous rice. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen, stopping diarrhea, replenishing the kidney, and astringing the nerves and revitalizing the mind. ,Suitable for eating less spleen, abdominal deficiency, nocturnal emission, urinary frequency, upset insomnia, forgetfulness and more dreams.

Jujube glutinous rice porridge: yam, barley, wolfberry, jujube, glutinous rice Tongzhu, put in the right amount of sugar, there is spleen and stomach, Yiqi blood, dampness diarrhea, thirst and thirst effect, suitable for post-frail frailty and anemia, Malnutrition, loss of appetite, chronic enteritis and other patients.

Carrot kale porridge

Raw materials: carrots, kale, wolfberry fruit, rice, salt.

Practices: 1, carrots washed, shred; kale washed and cut into sections; wolfberry washed. 2. Set the fire on the pot, pour the rice and the appropriate amount of water, and turn the simmer for 20 minutes after the fire boils. 3. Put the carrot and salt in the porridge, cook for 10 minutes, and finally add kale, wolfberry, and boil.

Yuzhu porridge

Wash 50 g of fresh odoratum first, remove the roots, chop and grind the gravy, then add the slag to the slag, or use dried odoratum 20 g Jiantang to the slag, add the glutinous rice, and then add enough water to cook the gruel. Put rock sugar and boil it. This porridge can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, thirst, apply to lung yin injury, dryness and cough, dry cough, sputum or no sputum, fever, polydipsia, dry mouth, yin deficiency and fever.

Huang Jing porridge

Choose 10-30 grams of washed Huang Jing, and when it is decocted, add slag to the residue or use fresh Huang Jing 30-60 grams. After washing, cut it into slices and fry the gravy. After slagging, add porridge with glutinous rice. Sugar can be adequate. This porridge can make up the spleen and stomach and moisten the heart and lungs. Applicable to weak spleen and stomach, body tired, fatigue, diet, lung cough or dry cough without sputum.

Zhuyu Erbao Porridge

First cook 60 grams of raw barley to overcook, then smash 60 grams of raw yam, 30 grams of persimmon cream, and cook it into a paste porridge. This porridge can fill the lungs, spleen, stomach, suitable for yin deficiency heat, dry cough, diarrhea effusion, loss of appetite and other spleen and lung qi deficiency.

Sand porridge

First take 15 to 30 grams of Adenophora, broth concoction, to residue, add glutinous rice porridge, add porridge into a thin porridge when mixed with rock sugar; or with fresh Radix 30 ~ 60 grams, wash and slice, fry concentrated Juice with glutinous rice, rock sugar porridge take. It can nourish the stomach, lungs, sputum, and cough. It is suitable for lung-heat lung dryness, dry cough and less sputum or lung deficiency, lung and stomach yin deficiency cough without sputum and throat, or after a fever, Tianjin thirst-quenching.

Plate Hole

Laboratory Consumables Deep Well Plates is used for culturing cells or bacteria, with 6 wells, 12 wells, 24 wells, 48 wells and 96 wells. Similar to clear microplates, but for a very different purpose. Laboratory Microplates of medium to the wells of the culture plate, and then carry out cell culture in a suitable environment. Generally, the culture plate has a flat bottom, which is suitable for the suspension culture of cells and tissues, and also has aU-bottom microplate and a Round deep hole plate. After surface modification treatment, it can have cell adherent culture and growth characteristics.

Plate Hole

Laboratory Microplates,U-bottom microplate,Sterile deep well plate,Laboratory Consumables Deep Well Plates,Round deep hole plate

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