Toon cultivation and management methods

Toona sinensis loves temperature and is suitable for cultivation in an area with an average temperature of 8-10°C. The cold resistance ability increases with the age of seedlings. The annual wheat seedlings directly broadcasted with seeds may be frozen ----more

Chinese scientists have discovered "itch" neu…

Author: WANG Lin-lin Date: 2018-12-20 Patients with chronic itching often have uncontrollable excessive scratching behavior due to itching, which seriously damages the skin and affects the quality of life. Recently, Sun Yangang, a team of the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of ----more

How does wheat survive the winter?

Currently, the main winter wheat fields in Hebei Province are in the 4 to 5 leaf stage, and are expected to enter the wintering period from north to south at the end of November. In order to actively respond to changes in weather and scientifically carry o ----more

The method of walnut tree autumn cut is different

The best autumn shearing period for walnut trees is when the leaves are slightly yellow after the walnut is harvested and before the leaves fall (between September and November). The specific pruning method is as follows: The pruning and pruning of the new ----more

The 7 most common mistakes made in autumn fertilization

At present, the autumn harvest and planting season is approaching again, and the peak season for the use of chemical fertilizers is approaching. Then, how farmers friends should rationally use compound fertilizers becomes particularly important. Do not mak ----more

Key points of edible fungus harvesting technology

1. Master the best harvest period. All kinds of mushrooms have a beautiful appearance and good taste when they are 70% to 80% mature. The edible mushrooms harvested at this time have bright color, strong flavor, thick cap and soft meat. 2. Pay attention to ----more

Wisdom Hospital's Shenghua Group Hospital Informati…

On December 13th, the Jiangsu Provincial Hospital Association Hospital Information Management Committee, Taikang Xianlin Drum Tower Hospital, Ziguang's Xinhua Group, co-organized the Group Hospital Informationization Development Seminar and Xinhua Third Exploration Hospital †----more