Eat foods that suit your blood type

"Human blood types determine the type of food they need." This was proposed by Dr. Peter Daddam, the famous “natural therapist” expert in the United States.

Peter pointed out in his book “Eating Food Fit for Your Blood Type,” why some people eat carefully to lose weight. As a result, weight continues to increase. The reason is that the effect of food on the human body varies from blood type to blood type. In other words, human blood type determines how the body uses different foods. Dr. Peter's research concludes as follows:

O-type blood is an anthropologically very old type of blood. They are very adaptable to high-protein foods and have very poor appetite for cereals, so they digest very well lean meat and vegetables. People with type O blood can control body weight with lean meat, animal liver, seafood, and green leafy vegetables. If you lose weight by grains, beans, cabbage, potatoes, etc., it will be futile. The vast majority of Eskimos are O-type blood. They mainly eat meat. They rarely eat vegetables and fruits, but they suffer from few cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

Type A blood is the second most common blood type. The ancestors of type A blood are the first to engage in farming crops and are quite adaptable to vegetarian-based recipes. Tofu, soybeans and vegetables are very suitable for them. Certain plant proteins such as soy protein are their best health food, often Eating can prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Compared with Type O and Type A, Type B is an anthropologically more recent blood type. This type of person is the nomadic people who were accustomed to climate and other changes. Therefore, people of this blood type are very adaptable to meat and vegetables, and dairy foods are also very useful. However, some foods such as chicken, corn, tomatoes and most nuts and seeds are not suitable for type B human consumption.

Type AB is the most rare and rare blood type, accounting for less than 5% of the total population. This type of person has some of the characteristics of type A blood and part of type B blood. They adapt to both animal protein and vegetable protein, and their digestive system is sensitive. They should eat less at a time, but they can eat more meals. Fish, tofu, green leafy vegetables and dairy products are their health foods.

Analysis of the reasons for the above-mentioned situation is obviously related to human genetic characteristics, but the type of blood group is the most obvious. From the point of view of health care, people with different blood types, taking reference to the above-mentioned related recipes, will have far-reaching significance in preventing and curing health.

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