Winter pighouse must not be overlooked for ventilation

Ventilation and decontamination of piggery are the main methods to eliminate odors in pig houses. However, the insulation and ventilation of pig farms in winter is a contradiction. Many people will put the time of defecation in the early morning feeding. This practice will not be suitable in winter. Because many harmful gases will be emitted during cleaning, due to the large temperature difference between inside and outside, window ventilation will often accelerate the convection of air. The temperature inside the house will suddenly drop, which will cause the pig to catch a cold. If it is not ventilated, one night of harmful gases will accumulate in the house. Serious shortage of oxygen can lead to too many harmful gases in the house and can also cause respiratory damage in pigs.

Winter traps need to be warmed and kept in a relatively closed environment, which will greatly increase indoor carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and respirable particulate matter. These harmful substances can lead to irritation of the respiratory system of the pig and decrease of immunity, increase the chance of respiratory diseases, and also aggravate existing symptoms of the disease. In addition, the indoor air in winter is too dry, bacteria and viruses floating in the air, the probability of adsorption on the body is also greatly increased, easy to cause the proliferation of microorganisms, bacteria, resulting in pigs suffering from a variety of diseases, so the timely ventilation of housing And disinfection is very important.

The ventilation and defecation time in the winter barn should be chosen from 11 to 12 o'clock. During this time, the ventilation of the window is opened to avoid cold stress on the pigs. Because the pig manure will cause a large amount of harmful gases during the excrement removal, it is necessary to open the window for ventilation before starting the excrement. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the pigpen. If on a sunny day, wash the floor with water in the afternoon, and then ventilate and dry it, it can be ensured that the pig can breathe fresh air one night, which is very beneficial to the prevention of respiratory diseases.

The standard 150 model pig farm adopts negative pressure ventilation, which is exhaust ventilation. During the ventilation, the odor of the pig house is largely extracted. The air quality in the house is good, and the fan speed is fixed at 1.5 m/s. Too low is not conducive to the discharge of odors. Too high is to add warmth to the fire.

In the winter, it is also an easy, cost-effective and effective method to change the feed structure properly.

First, in the feed minus protein, add amino acids. When feeding pigs, in crude corn-soybean meal, the crude protein content can be reduced to 10%, and several synthetic amino acids (such as lysine, methionine, hydroxybutyrate and tryptophan) can be added. . This low-protein, amino-acid balanced diet compared with standardized feeds, in the pig manure, nitrogen and ammonia emissions can be 28% and 43%, respectively, while volatile fatty acids are reduced by 50%.

Second, feed roughage in feed. The 5% roughage (cellulose) was added to the feed, and compared with the standardized feed, the ammonia content in the fresh pig manure, the total nitrogen in the stored pig manure, and the ammonia nitrogen were all reduced. In addition, the addition of cellulose to the feed, the pig's colon increased bacterial fermentation, in the pig manure, the ammonia nitrogen content decreased substantially, greatly reducing the pigsty odor.

Ventilation disinfection methods in winter housing include the following:

1, timely ventilation. When the temperature is relatively high at noon, the windows are ventilated for one hour. According to the survey, in the non-ventilated room, viral bacteria in the air can float for more than 30 hours. If the doors and windows are constantly open for air change, the dirty air can drift away at any time, and the room is also given plenty of light, and it is difficult for many viruses and germs to breed and reproduce.

2, regular disinfection. Disinfect the house regularly to keep pigs healthy. Disinfectant drugs should be used in rotation. The dosage should be determined according to the instructions. Do not increase the dose without authorization. Thorough cleaning must be done before disinfection. The ground should be treated like a layer of drizzle, not too wet (pig easy to diarrhea) or too dry (do not achieve the effect of disinfection). Each corner should be disinfected. When disinfecting, let the sprayer slowly drop the liquid above the pig and do not disinfect the pig.

3. Prevent icing. Disinfection outside winter homes can be difficult, especially when a disinfectant pool is set up to enter the area and the passage of a pig house. Ice formation may occur in winter. For this case, sprinkle some salt in the disinfectant so that it will not freeze. Also pay attention to the disinfectant inside the disinfecting tank to prevent the expired efficacy from decreasing or failing.

Oyster contains liver glycogen, taurine, a variety of amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, barium, phosphorus, calcium and so on. It is especially rich in selenium and has antioxidant effects . Mushrooms contain crude fiber, semi-rough fiber and lignin that are difficult for the human body to digest. It can maintain the water balance in the intestine, absorb excess cholesterol and sugar and expel it from the body. It can prevent constipation, bowel cancer, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, etc Both are very beneficial and have a significant effect on lowering blood pressure.

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