When Peach blossoms gradually, it is best to control these pests and diseases.

Facilities Peach cultivation, the environment is relatively confined, and can be artificially adjusted for a variety of ecological factors, so the occurrence and spread of a variety of pests and diseases can be effectively controlled, but still can not ignore the occurrence of a small number of pests and diseases. The common diseases are bacterial perforation, anthrax, and brown spot; the pests are peach aphid and red spider. Major diseases Perforation diseases include bacterial perforation, perforation of brown spots, and perforation of mildew. Leaves, fruits, shoots can be diseased, leaf disease spots, after the formation of perforated lesions dry, severe early leaves caused by. One of the prevention methods is to combine pruning to remove the diseased branches in time and remove the diseased leaves. The second is to spray 3~5 Baume degree lime sulfur fertilizers during the expansion of flower buds, spraying agricultural streptomycin after flowering, and spraying and preventing ZnS and benomyl before spraying. Peach Anthracnose The disease mainly damages the fruit and can also harm the leaves and shoots. The young fruit begins to become infected before the hard nucleus, the lesion is red-brown and the middle is sunken. Except for a few remaining victims, most of the fallen fruits fall off. In the mature period, the fruit is onset, the lesions are sunken, there are obvious concentric rings and pink thick secretions, and often merge into irregular large spots. Finally, the fruit is soft rot and most of them fall off. The disease resistance of peach cultivars varies greatly, with early-maturing and mid-maturing cultivars becoming more severe, and late-maturing cultivars appearing lighter. Flowering and young fruit period, low temperature, moist easy to disease. One of the prevention and cure methods is to remove stale fruit, diseased fruit, diseased branches and diseased leaves. The second is to spray 3 to 5 Baume Dianshi flow mixture before germination, before spraying and after spraying to spray thiophanate-methyl, carbendazim, mancozeb, and other agents. Peach brown rot caused by peach brown rot damage peach, flowers, leaves, branches and fruit, with the most victims of fruit. Flowering period and young fruit period low temperature and high humidity, fruit ripening period, severe warm and humid. Poor deforestation, poor management, and stagnant soil or foliage are too thick, and the air or light-transmitting orchards are more severe. One of the prevention and control methods is to combine pruning to clear the garden and completely remove the diseased and diseased branches and burn them together. The second is to control pests in time to reduce pests and insect damage. The third is to spray 3 to 5 Baume degrees of lime sulfur before germination and 10 to 15 days after flowering to spray Senzin and Thiophanate-methyl. An orchard with severe brown rot may be sprayed with either procymidone or benomyl for one time before and after flowering. Major pests The aphids that injure peach trees mainly include peach aphid, peach whitefly and peach aphid. Aphids occur 10 to 20 generations a year. The shoots began to infest after the new shoots were developed. Some of them attacked the flowers during the flowering period and sucked the ovary to affect fruit setting. Control methods peach pheasant white and yellow tropism, can be set yellow containers or hanging yellow viscose board trap. In addition to aerosols, imidacloprid, matrine, and nicotine emulsifiable concentrate can be used for prevention and control during the germination period and the occurrence of insect pests. Peach heartworm This worm infests larvae. The larvae invade into the fruit after hatching, and the fruit pores often contain fluid spots. The larvae eat fruit flesh in the fruit to form "red bean fruit" and leave the fruit hole on the fruit. One of the prevention and control methods is to cover the mulch under the canopy before emergence of adult eclosion, so as to prevent the emergence of adult eclosion. The second is the emergence of adult eclosion and the use of insecticides to treat the soil before the soil is unearthed to kill the adult eclosion. The third is to spray pesticides in adult eclosion spawning and larval incubating period, which can spray out the urea, urea and other agents. Anthraquinones are mainly Hawthorn spider mites and two-spotted spider mites. They use juvenile clams and adult cicadas to feed and breed on their backs. When it is serious, it will cause a lot of defoliation and affect flower bud differentiation. Control methods can be sprayed before the germination of peach 3 ~ 5 Baume degrees lime sulfur, spray avermectin, matrine, Liuyangmycin and other control. Disclaimer: Some articles in this website have been transferred from the Internet. If you are involved in third-party legal rights, please inform this website. phone