What are the characteristics of Red Globe grapes?

Characteristics of the Red Globe Grape: The Red Earth is an Eurasian species with a long, conical ear, an average weight of 800 grams, moderate elasticity, round or oval fruit, grain weight from 12 to 14 grams, up to 20 grams. The fruit powder is thick, the skin is red or dark red, the color is bright, the flesh is hard and brittle; the seeds and flesh are easy to separate; the taste is sweet and refreshing; the soluble solids content is 16 to 18%, and the quality is good. The brush is thick and long, resistant to pressure, extremely resistant to transport, resistant to storage, and can be stored for 3 to 4 months at 0 degrees Celsius. Mature in late September. Poor resistance, should strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of downy mildew, black pox disease, white rot.