Brown sugar nutritional value comparable to milk selection ugly beauty

What is brown sugar

Brown sugar is directly cooked after sugarcane juice, preserves the original natural flavor of sugarcane, without chemical process, rich in vitamins and minerals, brown sugar in the taste of molasses, but also with the general sugar does not have the charcoal aroma, the general Sugar, sugar, and rock sugar have been purified and their nutritional value is far inferior to brown sugar.

The nutritional value of brown sugar

Iron: 49.2 (mg/100g)

Calcium: 464 (mg/100g)

Vitamin B2: 0.18 (mg/100g)

Others: Trace elements (sodium, potassium, manganese, lead, copper)

The effect of brown sugar

Brown sugar has high nutritional value, so brown sugar is not only taste sweetness and gain heat, but also can absorb some nutrients from it. In particular, the content of iron and calcium in brown sugar is full, nutrition experts pointed out that a spoonful of brown sugar is about 15 milligrams. It contains 70 mg of calcium, which is equivalent to the calcium content of half traditional tofu and at the same time contains about 7 mg of iron, which has reached more than half of the daily recommended intake. Now that the food has been refined, nutritionists have instead advocated a return to a natural, crude diet, and brown sugar in the old grandmother era was consistent with such a natural concept.

The effects of brown sugar are:

1. Brown sugar was first brought to health in Japan. It is said that when Japanese women used to do their last month, they must drink brown sugar water every day to help discharge lochia.

2. Drinking thick brown sugar water or drinking tea with brown sugar before and after the menstrual period can help menstrual discharge smoothly and relieve the discomfort during menstruation. Because brown sugar contains a large amount of iron, it can supplement women's wear during physiological periods.

3. If you are in a state of irritability, drink some brown sugar to reduce irritation.

4. High nutritional value is also very helpful for eliminating fatigue and maintaining physical strength.