Ways to increase fertilizer utilization

According to the survey, farmers in Zhangqiu City are quite poor in fertilization. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers or nitrogen fertilizers can be seen everywhere. The average nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate is less than 40%. In developed countries, it is generally 50 to 60%. The loss of nitrogen fertilizer in our city is huge each year. Zhangqiu Soil Fertilizer Station annually implements soil testing and formula fertilization, optimizes fertilizer application structure, increases organic fertilization, and reduces unreasonable chemical fertilizer application to increase fertilizer utilization by 3 to 5 percentage points. The way is as follows:
1, due to the place, due to crop fertilization: According to the soil fertility ability, PH value and the characteristics of the crop need fertilizer, a reasonable determination of fertilizer fertilizer amount and species. For example, legumes, cotton, melons, etc. belong to the phosphorus crop, and the application of phosphate fertilizer has a good fertilizer effect. Alkaline fertilizers are used in acidic soils to prevent soil acidification.
2. Mixed use of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic fertilizers: According to tests on wheat, the combined application of N, P and K increased production by 16.5% compared with single application of phosphorus, 10.5% more than single application of nitrogen, and 6.4% more than that of combined application of nitrogen and phosphorus. In addition, mixing with organic fertilizer can also reduce the adsorption and fixation of phosphorus on the soil, and increase the utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer.
3. Deep application, concentrated application and layered application: Deep application is an important way to increase the nitrogen use efficiency and reduce the loss of nitrogen fertilizer. It can not only reduce the volatilization of ammonia, but also reduce the loss of denitrification; the concentrated application of phosphate fertilizer can reduce fertilizer on one hand. The contact surface with the soil reduces the chemical fixation. On the other hand, it can also increase the concentration difference between the root system of the crop and promote the absorption of phosphorus by the crop. In addition, the phosphorus has poor mobility in the soil, and the layered application can meet the requirements for phosphorus at different growth stages. Demand.
4. Appropriate use: The nutritional critical period and the maximum efficiency period of crops are two key periods for crops to absorb nutrients. These two periods should be grasped to ensure the maximum efficiency of fertilizers and the demand of crops for nutrients. In general, the critical period of phosphorus nutrition is in the early growth period, nitrogen is slightly later than the phosphorus in the critical period of nutrition. The maximum efficiency period is during the period from vegetative growth to reproductive growth.
5. Strengthen water management: The supply of water is closely related to the absorption of crop nutrients. Improper use of water not only causes loss of nutrients, but also affects the growth of crops. Appropriate irrigation can increase fertilizer utilization, but too much or too little will reduce utilization.
6, foliar spray fertilizer: spraying fertilizer on the crop, not only can meet the crop's demand for nutrients in a timely manner, but also can reduce soil nutrient fixation, improve fertilizer utilization. If the use of 2 ~ 3% of superphosphate (add water, stir for 24 hours, take a clear solution) as aqueous solution for the effect of foliar spray fertilizer is better.
7. Economic fertilization: If the residual amount of nitrogen in the soil is 25-35%, the utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer is low (10-25%), but its residual efficiency is 38.9% within 20 years. According to experiments, if the total production of phosphorus fertilizer in the current season and the second quarter is 100%, it will account for 50% in the current season, 25% in the second quarter, 15% in the third quarter, and 10% in the fourth quarter. Therefore, we must make full use of fertilizer aftereffects, not only to save fertilizer, but also to increase fertilizer utilization.
8. Formula fertilization: Experiments show that formula fertilization technology can increase the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer by 5% to 10%, and it can also avoid blind fertilization and reduce fertilizer waste. In terms of absolute value, the amount of nitrogen absorbed by crops, the residual amount in soil, and the amount of fertilizer lost increase with the increase in the amount of nitrogen fertilizer; from the relative point of view, the use of nitrogen fertilizer decreases with the increase of the amount of fertilizer, and the loss rate is With the increase in the amount of fertilizer increases.
9, with the application of fertilizer: in the application of phosphorus at the same time, in wheat, per gram of land allocated 1 kg of zinc fertilizer, boron 0.5 kg, the effect of increasing production is better.