Eggs should not be the same as soymilk and other three types of food

Eggs have high nutritional value and health care functions: including brain puzzles, liver protection, and prevention of arteriosclerosis, but they cannot be eaten with the following three foods, otherwise there will be counterproductive effects.

What foods should not be eaten with eggs?

1. Eggs and Milk Milk contains lactose, which is a dimer of galactose and glucose. Galactose is the nutrient. Eggs contain a lot of protein, break down into amino acids, absorption of amino acids and energy consumption (active transport on the intestinal wall). At this time, less glucose is available in the blood and galactose is oxidized and supplied. Some protein in the egg reacts with a nutrient in the milk, which reduces the nutritional value, so it is not suitable for the same food.

2. Eggs and soy milk Raw soybean milk contains trypsin inhibitors, which can inhibit the activity of human proteases and affect the digestion and absorption of proteins in the human body. Egg albumen contains sticky proteins that can be combined with trypsin in soy milk to make Decomposition of proteins is hindered, which reduces the body's absorption of proteins.

3. Eggs and sugar cook in many places There are many places to eat sugar-filled eggs. In fact, egg and sugar cook together, will make egg protein amino acids to form fructosyl lysine conjugates. This substance is not easily absorbed by the body and can have adverse effects on health.