Health: the elderly is best to cough when coughing

Cough with hands on hips

When sneezing or coughing, the waist suddenly tightens up and it is particularly easy to injure the waist. The akimbo moves help stabilize the lumbar spine.

Housework raises the chopping board

When the knees are washed, the knees flex slightly and then bend forward. This can reduce the pressure on the lumbar disc. The heights of the cooking stoves, sinks, and chopping boards that are commonly used should be slightly bent during operation. Friends with serious low back pain may modify the daily necessities, such as using a longer mop or rubbing the floor to scrub the floor and raising the height of the case.

When you walk, you have to write something

Minimize the weight of handbags. Overweight handbags increase lumbar pressure and increase the risk of low back pain. Before moving a heavy object, you must first exercise your waist, measure your strength, and don't use too much force when moving.

Take a hardback chair and prepare a cushion

Pick a chair like this: The back of the chair is stiff, it protrudes forward at the waist and the chair must be hard. Try to straighten your waist when you sit on the bench. The height of the seat should be greater than 90 degrees from the angle of the upper leg and upper body. The correct seated position should be straight and chested. It is best to put a cushion under the backrest to keep the lumbar spine in its physiological curvature.

In addition, do some activities for the waist, such as turning around and bending over. When you turn the waist, take the waist as the axis, and rotate the jaw clockwise evenly and horizontally, then rotate counterclockwise, 10-30 times each. Then bend down and bend forward and backward about 10 times.

Xi Zheng Tang, Center for Geriatrics, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

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