Plastic film to prevent burning seedlings

Due to the low temperatures and the slow recovery of ground temperature this spring, the cotton sowing period is about 10 days later than in previous years. In recent days, the temperature has risen rapidly. The temperature in sunny weather has reached 30°C around noon and the temperature in the film is 40°C to 50°C, and even higher. Such a high temperature of cotton seedlings is unbearable, and a longer time will result in “burning seedlings”. Light burns stems and leaves, dry edges occur, and the young stems dry up in severe cases, causing dead seedlings. Therefore, in the case of high temperature and fine weather, the cotton should pay attention to preventative measures to prevent the occurrence of film burning.

The first is that the cotyledons are flat and the leaves change from yellow to green.

Second, cotton just emerged, the leaves did not turn green, should be in the upper part of the seedlings on the mulch, with a sharpened wooden stick diameter 1 to 2 cm hole, lower the temperature under the membrane, until the cotyledons turn green in time after the release of cotton seedlings.

The third is that for the cotton seedlings to be unearthed, the hole on the top of the sowing line should be used, with a sharpened wooden stick every 50 to 60 cm to hit a hole about 1 cm in diameter, in order to prevent the film under the temperature is too high to burn the sprouts .

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