Does honeysuckle soak in water with honey?

Can honeysuckle soak in water with honey? The nutritionist introduced honeysuckle to soak in water with honey. Honeysuckle should be boiled for 20 minutes. Honeybees can't be hot-boiled. It's best to leave honeysuckle for some time and add honey to drink. The role and efficacy of honey tea 1, honey is a highly nutritious natural material, people often drink honey tea can increase protein and vitamin intake, in addition can absorb a large number of organic acids and amino acids. 2, honey tea contains a small amount of protein in tea, but it contains a lot of lipopolysaccharide and tea polyphenols, while tea also contains a lot of vitamins and alkaloids, combined with honey, can play a liver, detoxification As well as helping to digest a variety of effects. 3, honey tea also has the effect of heat, for humans due to the invasion of hot poisonous diseases appear, such as mouth sores and sore throat, etc., have a good health effect, in addition to honey tea, there are swelling and pain Role, in the sudden loss of bruises, can relieve symptoms of honey tea. 4, honey tea also has the effect of diuretic diuresis, for people in the summer of the emergence of urination unfavorable to a variety of heat stroke phenomenon has a mitigating effect, in addition to bronchitis and constipation and other symptoms, but also have a great conditioning effect. 5, although the role of honey tea is a lot, its production method is very important, in the production, the best tea made of tea bags, with boiling water, then wait for the water temperature dropped to below fifty degrees and then add honey, If the water temperature is too high, the nutrition of honey will be lost.