Reasonable use of bleaching powder in fishery production

First, the use of bleaching powder: used to clear the pond, improve the pond environment and prevention of bacterial gill disease, white skin disease, white head white mouth disease (fish stage), vertical scale disease, enteritis disease.
Second, the amount of bleaching powder: bleach available chlorine content requirements up to 30%. Clear pond disinfection is generally 10-20 grams per cubic meter of water, and the whole pool is sprayed evenly after dissolving. The general amount of disease prevention and treatment is 1-1.2 grams per cubic meter of water. The whole pool is splashed evenly once every other day, once every three days in a row. Disinfection in the food field generally uses 150-200 grams of bleaching powder per food field.
Third, should pay attention to the problem
1. Do not use metal containers;
2. Do not mix acids, ammonium salts, and lime.