Four Bad Habits Worst Kidney How to Prevent Men's Kidney Deficiency

How to deal with kidney deficiency? The kidney is one of the five internal organs of the human body. Chinese medicine says that "Keep your kidney healthy," so male friends must take good care of their kidneys. Kidney deficiency is one of the most common diseases. There are many causes of kidney deficiency. So how do men suffer from kidney loss? How to prevent men from kidney loss? Here's a look. 4 biggest kidney injury habits 1, often holding back urine: urine in the bladder for a long time will breed bacteria, bacteria through the ureter retrograde to the kidney, causing urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis. Once recurrent, it can cause chronic infection and is not easy to cure. 2, eat seafood, drink beer: eat a lot of high-protein diet, such as big fish and other meat, will produce too much metabolic waste of uric acid and urea nitrogen, increase the burden of kidney excretion. However, heavy drinking can easily lead to hyperuricemia. These habits can also cause metabolic diseases such as hyperlipidemia and kidney disease. Many people like to drink beer while they are eating seafood. This method has been called by the renal physician as "the most kidney-damaging way to eat." 3, chaos drugs, excessive medication: long-term use of nephrotoxic drugs can easily lead to tubulointerstitial damage. These drugs include Chinese herbal medicines containing aristolochic acid, such as Guan Mu Tong, Guang Fang Ji, Qing Mu Xiang, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, etc., such as pain relief tablets, paracetamol and so on, are likely to cause kidney damage. 4, stay up late, eat salty, do not drink water: long-term stay up late, work pressure, love to drink tea and coffee, it is prone to kidney function problems. The salty eating habits can cause blood pressure to rise and kidney blood can not maintain normal flow, thereby inducing kidney disease. If you do not drink water for a long time, the urine output will decrease, and the concentration of waste and toxins carried in the urine will increase, easily causing kidney stones and hydronephrosis. Three performances imply men's kidney deficiency Chills [Resolve] "Cold" refers to the feeling of being cold and afraid of the wind. "Cold limbs" refers to the symptoms of cold limbs and limbs, and even cold to elbow and knee joints. "Cold aversion to coldness" is often accompanied by kidney and kidney pain, tiredness, sleeplessness, lazyness, and lack of thirst. In addition to serving Jinqi Shenqi Pills, ginger can also be used to burn dog meat. It has the effect of warming and nourishing the body, dispelling cold, and strengthening the body. The method is: 1000 grams of dog meat, washed, cut into small pieces and cooked 150 grams of ginger. spare. Put 30 grams of cooked tablet into a casserole and fry for 2 hours. Then put the dog meat, garlic, and ginger into the water and add enough water until the dog's meat is boiled. Excessive sexual intercourse [Analysis] Chinese medicine believes that kidney essence. Renal hyperlipidemia produces kidney yin and kidney yang, which plays a role in nourishing and warming the five organs and six organs. Kidney yin and kidney yang are interdependent and mutually restrictive in the human body, maintaining the physiological balance of the human body. If this balance is destroyed or if one side is recessed, the disease will occur, and men will experience impotence, premature ejaculation, slickness, and semen disease. When you are in bed with your girlfriend or wife, "please do not think", please pay attention to "degree", if you long indulge in sex or masturbation too often, there will often be lack of energy, dizziness, insomnia, forgetfulness, back pain and other kidney phenomenon. Moderately arranging your "bed exercise" time and frequency is the best way to solve the problem. Dizziness, insomnia [Resolve] The kidney is one of the important organs of the human body to nourish and warmse other organs. If other organs become ill for a long time, it will easily injure the kidneys. Many chronic diseases such as chronic hepatitis, coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, and hypertension are often accompanied by symptoms of kidney deficiency. If we want to cure the kidney deficiency, it is fundamental to completely cure other organs' diseases. Otherwise, it is a "treating the symptoms and not curing the symptoms." Prevention of kidney deficiency can adhere to 5 actions I. Feet per day After the palms are hot, rub your right heel with your left hand and rub your left foot with your right hand, 1 time in the morning and 2 at a time. 2. Tai Chi is played every day Practicing Tai Chi, it is best to do it in the fresh air in the park, under the trees, and beside the water in the morning. Third, daily contraction exercise The body relaxes and breathes naturally; when you exhale, you perform an anal contraction action, relax when inhaling, and repeat about 30 times. Fourth, daily waist massage The two palms face each other. When the palms are warm, place them on both sides of the waist, palms toward the skin, and massage the waist up and down until there is a sense of heat. Each morning and evening, about 200 each time. V. Do a simple set of gymnastics every day (if you have time, you can do it several times in a row) 1, two feet in parallel, with the same shoulder width, visually in front of the two arms naturally sagging, two palms attached to the trousers, fingers naturally open. Heel raised and breathed 9 times in a row. 2, heel landing, inhale, slowly crouching knees, both hands gradually back before the tiger's mouth to the ankle; hand close to the ground, a little harder to grasp the fist (meaning to grasp things), suck enough gas. 3, belching, the body gradually stands up, both hands drooping, gradually clenching his fists. 4, exhale, body is standing, arms twisted outside, boxing heart forward, two elbows from both sides of the soft ribs, while the body and heel force on the lift, and levator ani, breathing. The above five anti-kidney movements are simple and easy to do. Every day, you can help men's friends stay away from the dilemma of kidney deficiency. In addition, prevention of kidney deficiency should also pay attention to rest, a balanced diet, regular life, and to ensure good mood.