Edible Mites Control Technology

1. Fumigation and killing of crickets Put the cotton ball on dichlorvos and place it on the bottom surface of the bed frame, and then cover the bed with a plastic cloth, so that the drug can evaporate and poison the worms. 2, spray killing with 50% of the omethoate 1000 times, 1500 times lotion or konjac 500 times liquid spray killing. Spraying with detergent 400 times continuously for 2-3 times also has a good killing effect. 3, rapeseed cake hunted on the material surface of the mushroom crickets damage to spread a number of pieces of wet cloth, the freshly fried rapeseed cake sprinkled on a damp cloth, until the worms gathered on a wet cloth rapeseed cake powder, the wet cloth removed A moment can be killed by boiling water. 4, sweet and sour liquid drug trapping to take 1 part of acetic acid, 1 part of water, 0.1 parts of sugar, mixed with 1-2 drops of dichlorvos, that is dubbed sweet and sour liquid. A gauze strip or cotton soaking liquid is placed on the surface of the material, and when the aphid clusters on it, the hot-dead pest is removed. Repeat the above operation until it is clear. 5. Fresh bone trapping puts fresh pork bones on the bed surface where the mushrooms live on and off. When the locust swarms on it, kill the locust by placing the bone in the water for a while. Repeat several times until there is no flaw on the bed.