Which snacks are suitable for eating after meals?

Snacks are seen as an unhealthy diet. Because of fear of weight gain, adults always control snacks, or have a sense of guilt after eating snacks. Parents usually do not encourage children to eat snacks between meals because they do not want snacks to undermine their children's appetite for dinner. However, health experts now highly agree with and encourage people to eat snacks. In fact, it is good for us to eat snacks. Of course, the premise is that we eat snacks correctly! Let's look at the five snacks that are suitable for eating after a meal. 1. jujube Prevent scurvy. Vitamin C content is very rich in jujube, which nutritionists call "live vitamin C pills." If you lack vitamin C in your diet, you will feel fatigued and may even develop scurvy. 2. Peanut Can prevent skin diseases. Vitamin B2, which is rich in peanuts, is one of the vitamins that our residents lack in their daily diet. Therefore, deliberately eating more peanuts can not only supplement the deficiency of vitamin B2 in the daily diet, but also help prevent and treat cleft lip, itchy eyes, seborrheic dermatitis and other diseases. 3. Walnut Can show A. Walnut is rich in auxin, which can make nails hard and cracking, while walnuts are rich in vegetable protein, can promote the growth of nails. Eat walnuts and help nails look tough. 4. Sunflower seeds You can beauty. Sunflower seeds contain protein, fat, a variety of vitamins and minerals, including linoleic acid content is particularly rich. Linoleic acid helps keep the skin delicate and prevents dryness and pigmentation. 5. Cheese Solid tooth. Cheese is the "rich ore" of calcium and makes teeth strong. Nutritionists have shown through studies that an adult eating 150 grams of cheese a day can help reach the goal of aging.