Clinical identification of bloody cows

Abomasum ulcers bovine body temperature, heart rate, rapid breathing, molars, different food, stomach pain, loss of appetite, weight loss. Gastrointestinal diseases Bovine body temperature rises, heart rate, respiration is faster, rumination, gastric motility weakens or disappears, persistent diarrhea, feces is watery, there is odor, contains mucus, blood, pseudomembrane, tissue debris, etc., thirsty, Anal incontinence, increased bowel sounds. Cows with acidosis have elevated body temperature, rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing, faeces containing mucus, blood, pseudomembrane, and tissue fragments. There is a history of esophageal feeding, sunken eye sockets, lower stomach contents and urine pH, exhaled gases. Sour taste. High-yield dairy cows develop before and after childbirth or during milk production. Sweet potato black spot poisoning cow ruminant, gastric motility weakened or disappeared, history of feeding sweet potatoes, asthma, happy standing, subcutaneous emphysema, vomiting, loss of appetite, increased urine output, frequent urination. Infectious rhinotracheitis Disease Cow dung contains mucus, blood, tissue debris, etc., red nose, nose, nose ulceration, necrosis, mucosal rhinorrhea, and conjunctivitis.