Men's health first pays attention to the health of two parts

Men, especially men before middle age, have little attention to health. On the one hand, it is psychological behavior and it is believed that health will not be effective in the short term. On the other hand, because young males are at the height of their bodies and have few illnesses, they will neglect health. In fact, health care allows us to focus on the maintenance of the body.

How can a man keep his health? Men's Health We must first understand what unhealthy performance is and what are the hazards.

One, men's yellow teeth

Dental yellow is a common phenomenon in life. Everyone's teeth are more or less yellow, and men's yellow teeth need to be careful at the same time. Because your yellow teeth are mostly caused by tobacco infection.

1. Damage caused by smoking yellow teeth

First, smoking can cause oral cancer. Oral cancer is a common type of physical cancer, and 90% of oral cancer patients are smokers. The harmful substances in the smoke are highly carcinogenic. The inhaled fumes invade the epithelial cells of the oral cavity, destroy the function of the epithelial cells, and cause cell mutation and canceration.

Second, smoking can cause bad breath, periodontal disease and oral leukoplakia.

The tone is an important factor affecting social interactions. Smoke fills the mouth and contains a large amount of volatile sulfides that cause bad breath. At the same time, smoking causes a lingual tongue (the tongue is darkened and the filamentous papilla is distributed), and it is easier for the hair tongue to hide the food residue and cause bad breath.

Tobacco smoke irritates the oral mucosa, and gums are no exception. Coal tar, nicotine, nitrite and other substances stimulate the gums, which can easily lead to atrophy of the gums, necrosis of the roots, yellowing of the teeth surface, etc., thereby inducing periodontal disease. Moreover, the stimulation of the oral mucosa by smoke can lead to the appearance of leukoplakia in the oral mucosa, which is a precancerous lesion and can easily be transformed into oral squamous cell carcinoma.

2. Men's teeth yellow represents lungs are not healthy

We briefly mentioned above that men with yellow teeth are more likely to suffer from smoking. The first step in smoking is harmful to the human mouth, followed by the lungs and esophagus.

First of all, harmful substances such as coal tar and nicotine in the smoke enter the lungs. Dust is also present in these harmful substances. The lungs cannot be completely metabolized and excreted, and they accumulate on the alveoli for a long time, causing inflammation of the lungs, blockage of the alveoli, and canceration of the lungs. .

Second, the combustion of tobacco also produces carbon monoxide, which is very easy to combine with hemoglobin, resulting in low blood oxygen levels and hypoxia. At the same time, it will also lead to vasoconstriction, thickening of the blood vessel wall, causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In addition, the smoke also harms the health of the throat, esophagus and other parts of the body, and chronic pharyngitis and stomach diseases accompany it.

Second, men "lung black"

Men grow coughs as they age, especially in the morning. Cough is a method of detoxification in the lungs, and the cause of coughing is because the lungs are not clean and the contamination is too much. The cause of “black lung” is on the one hand the smoking mentioned above and the other on the pollution of the environment. At the same time, eating too fat and thick will hurt the lungs, resulting in cough, dry cough and phlegm and more.

Dry cough

Dry cough is an allergic cough that is caused by the burning of harmful substances in tobacco, causing itching in the throat area. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, smoking causes lung heat and fluid loss in the lungs, leading to the appearance of dry cough. This is also a typical manifestation of the smoking population.

2. Many

Many smoking men often experience a sip in the morning. The detoxification time of the lungs is 3-5 o'clock in the morning. At this time, the lungs are ordered to promote the discharge of harmful substances inside. Moreover, ç—° is mostly yellow.

Smoke or harmful substances in the environment enter the lungs. The alveoli, like filters, filters the air. The waste stays in the alveoli. Only a small amount is emitted during the cough, and more harmful substances remain in the lungs. Therefore, cough, sputum or jaundice are mostly pulmonary poisoning.

In addition, men’s work is more entertaining, and the fat and flesh they eat are thick and heavy drinking is an inevitable problem. In folk, there is a saying that "fish makes fire, meat makes oysters, and radishes make it safe." If you eat too much fat and thick flesh, it will cause hot and humid inside, violation of the lungs, cough, phlegm, chest tightness and other phenomena. At the same time, hot and humid will invade the large intestine, and there will be diarrhea and blood in the stool.

Therefore, men can't just think that they are healthy, they can ignore the various minor problems that often appear in their lives, and even some of the performances that affect aesthetics may be unhealthy.


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