The Golden Rule of Prevention and Control of Blue Ear Disease

PRRS can aggravate the severity and increase the incidence of other respiratory diseases such as Mycoplasma infections, Pasteurella infections, Haemophilus parasuis infections and streptococcal infections, and can develop respiratory syndrome. However, the eradication of blue ear disease in pigs is unlikely, and there must be a full and clear understanding of the complexity and potential hazards of PRRS, and should not be taken lightly. We must make good preparations for the long-term coexistence and blue dance with Lanyin. Here we combine the new technology of the Golden Dolly Dry Fermentation Bed Pigs (click here for details) to help the farmers to prevent and control blue ear disease and reduce economic losses. To master the four principles of gold treatment for controlling "blue ear disease":


First, the pig house is small, and the disease is not cured. The rearing density is not only related to the pig's development status, but also has a close relationship with the blue ear infection in pigs. The optimum breeding density is the standard for reclining and resting with a dry floor area of ​​two-thirds of the total area in each shed. The use of ginbon dry-type fermentation bed pig sheds has a large space, there is no cold and slippery cement ring, pigs can move freely and collect food, raise the pigs, exercise, physical fitness, metabolic function is perfect, The resistance will be much higher than traditional pig raising, and the probability of getting sick will be much smaller.
Second, stress is a killer and must be reduced. In winter, the temperature is low, and cold stress is the main cause of the high incidence of blue ear disease. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job of heating measures on the farm. The actual production of the best combination of local heating and thermal insulation and heating both to achieve the purpose of good economic and practical results. The use of jinbao dry-type fermentation bed pigs, litter lower 40-50 °C fermentation, litter surface temperature above 20 °C, to ensure the warmth of winter pigs, soft litter to a comfortable environment for the pigs to reduce the emergency In order to ensure that the winter pigs will not burst blue ear disease.
Third, sanitary conditions are good, pigs grow up. In the dry-sweeping fermentation bed, pigs are decomposed and transformed with beneficial microorganisms. There is no fecal odor. The pig house is clean and hygienic and the litter is dry and soft, providing a comfortable and warm living environment for pigs to grow healthily here. The pigs growing here always maintain dry, non-polluting and odor-free surfaces, and the chance of naturally infecting pathogenic microorganisms will be reduced.
Fourth, nutrition can keep up with good prices. The pigs can freely feed the bacterial substances in the fermented mattress materials, enriching the accumulation of taste substances in the pork. The carbohydrates in the litter produce low-molecular-weight fatty acids during the fermentation process. After the pigs eat the litter, these fatty acids are digested. Absorption eventually accumulates in the body, enhances the smell of pork and is meaty and not greasy.
To sum up, as long as the above four principles are taken into consideration, combining the use of the golden baby dry spreader bed can effectively prevent and control the blue ear disease, and the pig grows healthily, has good constitution and less medication, and the quality of the pork will naturally increase, and the produced Pork is also more ecological. Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Telephone toll-free hotline Recommended reading:
1. How can you ferment pigs in a fermented bed?

2. Pig Breeding and Respiratory Disorders Syndrome in Prevention and Treatment of Winter Pig Respiratory Diseases

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