Healthy diet relieves “two highs and one low” during pregnancy

Diabetes, high blood pressure, anemia during pregnancy, in the face of these "common" pregnancy "abnormal", pregnant mothers how to do it? Pregnancy diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension or anaemia is a relatively common "abnormal condition" during pregnancy. Even when pregnancy examinations have detected these problems, pregnant Mommy does not have to worry too much. Because the symptoms of most patients will be relatively light, and do not require medical treatment, only under the guidance of a doctor, diet and lifestyle adjustments can be. A balanced diet, moderate exercise, and a good mood are very important for pregnant Mommy. It is also a prerequisite for ensuring the health of pregnant women and fetuses.

Diabetes during pregnancy:

What is gestational diabetes?

As with ordinary diabetes, the typical symptoms of diabetes during pregnancy are also "more than three and one less," that is: more food, more drink, more urine, and weight loss. Due to the particularity of pregnancy and the influence of early pregnancy response, many pregnant moms have had “unconsciousness” about having already had gestational diabetes. Even during pregnancy test, fasting blood glucose shows “normal” results. It is easy to miss the diagnosis. Therefore, routine diabetes screening is very necessary. In general, all pregnant mothers receive glucose screening tests during 24-28 weeks of gestation. If the blood glucose exceeds 7.8 mmol/L at 1 hour after oral administration of 50 g of glucose, a further oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is required. . If any of the four glucose tolerance test results is higher than the normal value, it can basically be considered as potential diabetes, and if it is not controlled, it may gradually develop into diabetes.

What are the risks of diabetes during pregnancy?

Diabetes can lead to miscarriage in the first trimester, because hyperglycemia can cause embryos to be stopped. Therefore, blood glucose must be strictly controlled during pregnancy. For pregnant Mommy, severe gestational diabetes can lead to ketoacidosis, and even life-threatening. Even if the fetus is born smoothly, the chance that “sugar mommy” will give birth to “great children” will be much higher. As for the baby in the abdomen, it can cause fetal distress in the fetus and it can be severe in the fetus.

Suggestions for Sugar Mami:

Fortunately, the vast majority (about 75-80%) of diabetics during pregnancy do not need medications, and they can only take control of their diet. Sugar Mommy's basic dietary control method is to "eat less food": eat 5-6 meals a day, eat only seven points per meal, while paying attention to the balance of the diet: eat less fried foods, eat less rich in cane sugar , glucose foods (if juice, etc.), reduce the intake of carbohydrates (ie eat less staple foods), fructose foods can be eaten in moderation, such as fruit, honey, water, but not too much. Excessive food intake may result in a dramatic increase in blood sugar. If the food intake is too low, it can cause hypoglycemia, which is also dangerous for pregnant women and fetuses. Most importantly, exercise is moderate daily and exercise has an excellent effect on reducing blood sugar (except for threatened abortions and pregnant women with serious complications).


Fresh milk: It is recommended to drink once in the morning and evening, each time 250ml;

Staple food: 4-6 two / day (based on the weight of pregnant Mommy determines the total amount of staple foods per day, but all the staple foods together every day, the maximum can not exceed six two);

Fruit: 1 day 1 (for example, if you eat apples, you can eat 1 medium-sized apple per day; if you eat bananas, you can eat 1 medium-sized banana per day; grapes and watermelons have higher sugar content The fruit should be eaten as little as possible to avoid excessive blood sugar rise;)

Vegetables: pregnant women need a lot of vitamins and cellulose, so vegetables can eat more, 500g per day is appropriate;

Soy products: 1 two/day

In addition, we should also pay attention to the principle of total diet control, that is, foods with high sugar content should be calculated on a daily basis. For example, if you eat soy products in this meal, you need to subtract the corresponding staple food intake to ensure that the blood glucose level is at a normal level.

Pregnancy High Blood Sugar Recipe: Bitter Melon with Fried Beef

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