Stomach disease reduces unnecessary taboos

Gastrointestinal diseases have a special relationship with dietary nutrition: The main function of the gastrointestinal tract is to digest food and absorb nutrients, so when gastrointestinal diseases occur, it will inevitably affect the intake of food or nutrition. For patients with chronic gastritis and ulcers, they often have to face this dilemma: stomach problems, abdominal pain, discomfort, and other symptoms lead to reduced intake of food and inadequate nutrient intake; and inadequate nutrient intake adversely affects inflammation. Or the healing of ulcers, it is clear that the elimination of infection, filling the ulcer site requires an adequate supply of nutrients. This forms a vicious circle.

Clinically, patients with poor dietary intake and very thin stomach can often be seen. To a certain extent, the treatment of chronic gastritis and ulcers must break this vicious cycle so that patients can take adequate nutrition and accelerate the healing of stomach problems.

However, most patients with chronic gastritis and ulcers have many taboos. Raw, cold, cool, hot, sticky, hard, rough, and irritating foods are all taboos. Many patients do not have any adverse reactions (such as abdominal pain or discomfort). In the case of abdominal distension, etc.), they voluntarily gave up eating "hard" rice, preferring to eat porridge or only eat steamed buns; they gave up "high-fat" meat and only eat vegetarian food. What's worse is that some patients do not actively seek medical treatment, but instead rely on eating only those foods that are well digested (such as porridge) to avoid symptoms such as abdominal pain. The result is conceivable, not only not helping chronic gastritis and ulcers. The treatment is also not conducive to the recovery of chronic gastritis and ulcers due to malnutrition.

Where are the root causes of these errors? This has to start with the medical community's understanding of chronic gastritis and ulcers. Before the 1990s, H. pylori had not been recognized as the most important pathogenic factor of chronic gastritis and ulcers by textbooks. Doctors generally believed that the damage of gastric mucosal defense mechanism is the most important pathogenic factor of chronic gastritis and ulcers. The protection of gastric mucosa is the most important treatment principle. Naturally, people believe that raw, cold, cool, hot, sticky, hard, rough, and irritating foods can “damage” the gastric mucosa. To protect the gastric mucosa, these foods must not be eaten.

However, it is now known that Helicobacter pylori infection is the most important cause of chronic gastritis and ulcers. These foods are not related to Helicobacter pylori infection, and these foods do not cause serious damage to the gastric mucosa and cannot even be counted as One of the important causes of damage to the mucosal defense mechanism. Therefore, it is not necessary to eat as much as possible. On the contrary, too many taboos will inevitably result in inadequate or unbalanced nutritional intake, which will do more harm than good, and will not be worth the candle.

On the other hand, just as a person's body needs to be exercised to be healthy, the human stomach also needs to “exercise,” that is, it is beneficial to eat some raw, cold, cool, hot, sticky, hard, rough or irritating food properly. of.

Here, the so-called "appropriateness" has two meanings. First of all, it is premised that the symptoms of chronic gastritis and ulcers do not increase, that is, the gastrointestinal tract is acceptable. However, on the other hand, if even eating only slightly irritating foods (such as raw vegetables) will cause stomach pain, then it means that the symptoms of gastritis or gastric ulcer are more serious and need to take or adjust drugs to strengthen the treatment. Do not rely solely on "borrows" to avoid pain.

Second, it is necessary to increase the intake of nutrients (such as eating raw fresh vegetables or fruits) and not to stimulate (such as eating ice cream).

In short, chronic gastritis and ulcer patients in the selection of food, as long as they do not increase the pain or other symptoms, should try to choose a variety of foods in order to achieve a balanced diet, should not have too much taboos. While taking medication to control pain, active intake of nutrients, weight loss in patients with weight loss gastritis or gastric ulcer, this is an effective treatment.

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