Application of Mulberry Mulberry in Chicken Feed

In recent years, in order to improve the quality of livestock and poultry products and solve the problem of feed shortage, the use of mulberry leaves and mulberry for livestock and poultry feed has attracted great attention from domestic and foreign experts, scholars, and companies. Chinese researchers have cultivated feed mulberries. Has been successful. The feed mulberry not only can be planted in ordinary soil, but also can be planted on sandy land. Feed mulberry has become a new type of feed resource for the breeding industry.

Feed mulberry (leaves, branches) has not only been widely used in China's aquaculture industry, but has also been exported to Japan. The author only reported on the research of mulberry leaves and mulberry branches used as chicken feed for Chinese and Japanese companies and related experts and scholars.

Japan Kelia Enterprise Co., Ltd. has signed contracts with relevant Chinese authorities to commission and sell feed mulberry. The company's application for mulberry leaves and mulberry branches imported from China as feed for chickens has been formally approved by the Japanese government and is listed as legal sales. Mulberry leaves and mulberry branches are used as feed for raising chickens (including laying hens and broiler chickens) and are included in the "Japanese Standard Feed Composition Table".

In the past, Mulberry leaves and mulberry branches produced in Japan were too expensive to be used as chicken feed. Now the company uses the cultivation technology researched by the China Agricultural University to commission the cultivation of feed mulberry on the contract farm in China. When the mulberry is tender, it uses the mechanical method researched by the China Agricultural University (the company provides the harvesting equipment) to carry out mechanical harvesting ( Different from the previous harvest method, it was cut, dried, and crushed into moderate dust, processed into pellet feed, and imported into Japan from China. As the cost is greatly reduced, it is suitable for feeding chickens in Japan and can achieve significant economic benefits.

A scientific analysis of the use of mulberry leaves as a feed for raising chickens by production and research departments in China and Japan

Relevant scientific research personnel in China have reported on the components contained in mulberry leaves and mulberry branches of feed mulberry. Mulberry leaves contain 15% to 30% crude protein, 4% to 10% crude fat, 8% to 12% crude fiber, 30% to 35% nitrogen-free extract, rich in vitamins (C, B), amino acids (Total species) and mineral elements (mainly 8 species, of which potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, and manganese are higher in content than corn or green husks). It also contains many biologically active substances (phytosterols, flavonoids, alkaloids, polysaccharides, etc.).

After being imported into China's feed mulberry, Cocoa Co., Ltd. of Japan immediately cooperated with relevant research departments and made deep research and confirmation on the composition, efficacy and economic benefits of mulberry leaves and mulberry branches.

Japanese scholars have confirmed that mulberry trees are rich in high-quality protein and mineral elements. The content of calcium is 1.5 times that of rape, the content of carotene is 10 times that of spinach, and the content of zinc is not small. The amino acid composition is similar to soybean. Kitahara, the Institute of Animal Production and Grassland Research, said for a long time that "the mulberry tree's feed value is equivalent to that of a mulberry tree."

Recently, Japanese scholars have confirmed that Salmonella can develop in the range of pH 4.5~9, and when the pH drops below 4.5, it will inhibit its development and reproduction and even kill. Tests have confirmed that adding 3% of mulberry leaves and mulberry branches to the compound feed of chickens can reduce the pH in the intestinal tract of chickens to below 5, resulting in a bactericidal effect. This effect is related to the presence of an alkaloid called 1-deoxynojirimycin in the mulberry leaves.

Japan's chicken farming industry uses the feed mulberry imported from China as feed for chickens at a price

Japan's domestic mulberry leaf feed is approximately 1,200 yen per kilogram, and the company's distribution of feed mulberry (leaves, branches) per kilogram is approximately 46 yen, and the cost is greatly reduced. This is mainly due to the low labor cost and harvesting method. Changes in the tender period, that is, mechanized harvesting.

The production area of ​​feed mulberry in our country is safe from pests and diseases

Mulberry trees have almost no serious pest diseases and may be cultivated without pesticides. Now Keiliya Co., Ltd. of Japan has commissioned planting of mulberry on contract farms in the suburbs of Beijing, China, and has experts in various aspects of food and animal husbandry instructing them to ensure that the exported mulberry (leaves and branches) meets the standards for quality and safety. . These feed mulberries have been used as chicken feed by many chicken farmers in Japan. Some cattle farmers use it as a feed for cows and beef cattle.

It can be seen that the potential for the development of feed mulberry cultivation in China is huge and the prospects are bright. The feed mulberry not only can be planted on sandy lands to construct sand control forests, but also can be used for the cultivation of feed mulberry (leaves and branches) for feed purposes, not only domestically but also exported.


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