How Spring Sweet Potato Improves Yield and Quality (I)

Spring sweet potato is a high-yielding crop. If it can strengthen management, the yield and quality will be greatly improved. Practice shows that the following nine strokes have a good effect on improving the yield and quality of spring sweet potato.

1. Deep plowing in sweet potato fields in potato fields Deep plowing can deepen the living soil layer, improve soil gas permeability, promote soil fertility, and increase soil water storage capacity, which is conducive to the growth of stems and leaves and the development of roots to deep layers, thereby increasing sweet potato yield. Generally deep plowing 26 to 33 centimeters is about 20% more than shallow plowing 15 centimeters. Deep plowing can be deepened year by year, or it can be ploughed down and loosened, without disturbing the soil layer, and the yield increase effect is better. However, if excessively deep turning, disrupting the soil layer, fertilizers can not keep up, run squatting serious or poor drainage, easy to cause rainy season stains, but also lead to reduced production.

Second, soil fertigation and establishment of high-yield sweet potato fields, in addition to the requirement of deep soil, loose, but also fertile, in order to continuously supply the nutrients needed for sweet potatoes, so that the coordination of the growth of the upper and underground. Each acre with high-quality farmyard fertilizer 2000 to 3000 kilograms, 25 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, superphosphate 50 kg applied in the middle of the ridge ridge, then clean ditches embankment to facilitate drainage irrigation.

Third, the seedlings before the spring seedlings are characterized by: thick leaves, leaves deeper, parietal lobe flush; internodes thick and short, cut more white pulp; seedlings are not aging but too tender; not sick, seedlings length 20 cm . When removing the seedlings, remove the diseased seedlings and weak and weak seedlings, and use strong seedlings. Before planting, control the melasma with 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution or 50% thiophanate-methyl 1500-fold solution for 10 minutes. The roots were soaked with 50% phoxim 300 times for 30 minutes to prevent stem nematode disease.

Fourth, scientific planting to determine the appropriate planting density by the level of soil fertility and species characteristics. Spring sweet potato planted 4000-5000 per acre is appropriate. The planting of spring sweet potato can be carried out by oblique planting. When planting, it is necessary to pour enough fodder water. After the water sinks, the potato seedlings with a length of 17 to 20 centimeters will be immersed in about 13 centimeters of soil, 2 to 3 knots exposed, 3 to 4 leaves, and the remaining leaves buried in the soil. After the seedlings, cover the soil and press the base.

5. Tip pruning Tip pruning refers to a measure to remove the top spot of vines in the early stage of the growth of sweet potatoes. Picking tips can increase the yield of long-grown sweet potato varieties, as well as the fields with high soil fertility and prosperous growth, by up to 20%. A total of 2 tips were taken. Each time the fries were 30 to 33 cm long, heads of 1 to 2 cm in length were removed. The second time when the branches grew to about 30 cm, the branches were removed again. tip. In July, for the more branched and more prosperous potato fields, scissors can be used to cut 2-3 branches, allowing the nutrients to flow back, allowing the potatoes to get more nutrients, improving the light transmission between the branches and vines, and accelerating the photosynthesis. effect.

Sixth, the spray boosts the prime during the growth of sweet potato pods grow to 0.5 to 1 meter when sprayed, with 20 ml per mu aid muscle prime, add 50 kg of water spray, try to spray the solution onto the vine, spray 8 hours after the inner case Rain, it should be re-spray, according to the growth of the future can be sprayed once again, so that the vine control in 1 ~ 1.5 meters. As a result, the internodes of the spring sweet potato can be shortened, the pods significantly shortened, the leaves become thicker, the tubers are large and concentrated, and the yield increase is significant.

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