Potato Bacterial Wilt Control

Potato bacterial wilt, also known as bacterial wilt disease or brown rot, spreads rapidly, even when it is severe, it causes no harvest and brings significant economic losses.

First, the symptoms

Bacterial wilt is a kind of vascular disease. It can occur during the whole growth period of the potato. However, due to germination and temperature and humidity of the seedling stage, it is not suitable for Ralstonia so it does not show symptoms or symptoms. Symptoms are evident at the flowering stage of buds, especially in warm, moist and rainy conditions. Bacteria invade the vascular bundle of the plant, turning the vascular bundle of the base and root of the stem brown, especially the browning of the catheter part turns brown. By squeezing the severed stems by hand, the filthy white mucous oozes out of the color-changing catheter in the section. After the susceptible tubers were cut, the vascular bundles were seen to be brown and there was no need to squeeze white pus on the extruded section. This is an important feature of the disease. When the disease occurs, the young leaves or buds on the top of the plant appear wilting first, followed by the acute wilting on the upper part of the main stem or branch, and the last pruning is wilting, but the leaves remain green, but the color is slightly lighter.

Second, control methods

(1) Selection of disease-free varieties and selection of healthy sweet potato sowing can improve disease resistance. The diseased seed potato is the way for R. solanacearum to spread in long distances, and the diseased potato is affected by the appropriate temperature and humidity. Bacterial blight of tubers can enter the soil with the rain and irrigation water and survive for a long time, resulting in potato infection in the next season. Therefore, we must resolutely eliminate diseased seed potatoes. (2) Rotation, and 3-4 years of rotation with non-solanum crops, especially rice rotation with grass crops, the best, because of long-term soaking of R. solanacearum. (3) Strengthen management, choose sandy soil or loam with deep soil and good air permeability, apply decomposed organic fertilizer and potash fertilizer, and control soil moisture content. Seed germicide disinfection and germination before sowing, after cutting large potatoes with fungicides and grass ash seed dressing sterilization. Seed potatoes were germinated before sowing to eliminate the diseased and slowly growing diseased potato to reduce the incidence. Do not hurt the roots of the field cultivator, found that diseased plants in a timely manner and eliminate all the strips of potatoes and soil, away from the potato fields, disinfection of diseased holes to prevent disease transmission. (4) Chemical control, 72% agricultural streptomycin 2500-5000 times or 1:1:240-fold Bordeaux spray at the beginning of the disease, 1200-fold solution of Cutrazepam, and copper preparations can also be used for irrigation, every 7-10 days One application of pesticides has a good effect on delaying the occurrence of diseases.


The main component of this preparation is human immunoglobulin, which is prepared by cold ethanol fractionation of human plasma from healthy donors. The manufacturing process contains a step to remove anticomplementary activity and a dual viral inactivation process. It contains a suitable amount of glucose or maltose as stabilizer (see table below), but does not contain any antiseptic or antibiotic. The distribution of IgG subclasses is close to the serum level of normal subjects and maintains the bioactivity of Fc fragment of IgG.


1. Primary agammaglobulinemia, such as X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia, common variant immunodeficiency diseases, immunoglobulin G subclass deficiency, etc.

2. Secondary immunoglobulin deficiency diseases, such as severe infection, septicemia of newborn, etc

3. Autoimmune diseases, such as primary thrombocytopenic purpura, Kawasaki disease

Intravenous Injection Of Human Immunoglobulin

Intravenous Injection Of Human Immunoglobulin,Intravenous Immunoglobulin,High-Quality Effective Intravenous Immunoglobulin,Human Immunoglobulin For Intravenous Injection

Sichuan Yuanda Shuyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. , https://www.syimmunoglobulin.com