Liao Schisandra Technical Information

Schisandra is generally called North Schisandra, also known as Liaowuwei, Shanzha, etc. It is mainly produced in the northeast, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Shandong and other provinces. Schisandra is a versatile, multi-purpose medicinal and edible economic plant. Schisandra fruit is sour and warm, and it is a commonly used bulk traditional Chinese medicinal material. It has excitatory effects on the human body's central nervous system and respiratory system, and it has enhanced vision and hearing capabilities in humans and regulates heart, liver and blood pressure. Schisandra fruit can also be made into a series of advanced health care products such as schisandra syrup, schisandra wine, and schisandra Condiment. Artificial cultivation has a good economic value.

First, ecological characteristics

1. Morphological characteristics: Schisandra chinensis is a deciduous woody vine of Magnoliaceae. The stems are soft and tough, and the dextrorotatory windings are grown on other arborous shrubs. Up to 8 meters, up to 15 meters. The roots of the root system are not obvious, and dense fibrous roots contain a large number of pods distributed in shallow soil layers. Lateral elongation is also called walking. There are festivals on the festival, and there are buds on the festival, resulting in the growth of the noodles and the formation of new plants to expand the population. Schisandra old vine skin dark brown, young stems purple or light yellow, densely protruding lenticels, single leaves alternate. Leaves 5-9 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, apex acute, base cordate, leaf margins with vegetable hairs. The page is shiny and green, with light green leaves on the back and Yanmao has vegetable hairs. Petiole 2-3 cm long, buds as single buds or mixed buds, mixed buds with 2-3 flowers, also 4-5 flowers, flowers unisexual and more female with plants, calyx 6-9, milky white pistil The core skin collects on the protruding torus and usually forms a spiked aggregate fruit. Fruit berry, nearly spherical. The fruit is dark red at maturity, stems about 1 cm, with 1 to 2 seeds. The pale yellow chrysanthemum has a smooth surface, and the schisandra has a beautiful tree shape. The flesh is sweet and sour, and the seeds are bitter and spicy, with a slightly salty taste, hence the name Schisandra. 2. Growth habits: Schisandra hi hidden wet environment, humus soil or loose fertile soil can be cultivated. Schisandra is a very cold-resistant plant. The seedlings sown in that year are resistant to cold temperatures of minus 21 degrees Celsius, and are almost unaffected by late frost. Schisandra in different stages of growth and development, different requirements for the external environment, Schisandra in the nursery and nutrition stage afraid of light, you need a damp environment. In the flowering result stage, good ventilation and light transmission conditions are required. Therefore, artificial cultivation of schisandra should consider air humidity and light. The annual growth cycle of schisandra is affected by different years and different regions. Schisandra blooms from late May to early June. The stamens first bloom, the pollen fly from the third day, and the flowering period is 3-5 days. Female flowers open later than male flowers, flowering 7-9 days. The proportion of males and females of schisandra flowers varies. Affected by the age, size and strength of the plants, nutritional status and light effects, the female flowers in the light conditions were significantly increased. The female flowers were mostly found in the upper part of the vine, while the lower part were mostly male flowers. In the flowering period, it was rare to see insects active in the flowers. , so that the North Schisandra is a wind-blown flower plant. When the seedlings of schisandra are generally planted for 3 years after planting, the results after 5 years and the 6 to 9 years of large results show that the fruits of schisandra are mature in the middle or late September. Second, seedling cultivation techniques 1. Seed selection: After the end of July, you can go to the cultivation garden or go to the field for investigation and selection. The selection criteria are as follows: (1) Planting trees that are more than 8 cm long, and coloring the berries early, are identified as tree species. Harvest the fruits in the middle or late September and let them dry in the shade. (2) Seed treatment. From late October to mid-October, soak the seeds with fresh water for 2-3 days. Change the water once a day, remove the flesh of the peel, remove the pods, and then wet the seeds in a ratio of 1:3. Clean Xihe sand mixed together. The humidity of the sand is generally 40% to 50% of the saturated amount. Usually the hand is tightly packed and does not drip. Put the seeds mixed with fine sand into a cloth bag or a sack, and put it into a pre-prepared pit that is about 0.5 meters deep. In the middle, cover 10-15 cm of fine soil and cover with firewood (straw) or curtains for wintering and low temperature treatment. After the second spring defrosting, around the northern part around March, dig out the seeds and move the seeds into the room. Sand processing, its temperature is guaranteed around 15 degrees Celsius. 2. Seed treatment: When 70% to 80% seeds have cracks, they can be sowed. 3. Nursery selection: In order to cultivate excellent schisandra seedlings, the best choice for nurseries is flatland lands, well-watered and well-drained waters, loose soil, and fertile land or sandy land. Nursery land should be ploughed before thawing in the previous year. The depth of ploughing is 25 to 30 cm, combined with autumn-tilting application of compost, and about 3,000 kilograms of farmyard manure per acre is applied. 4. Sowing seedlings: In order to facilitate the growth of Schisandra seedlings, sufficient base fertilizer can be applied before sowing, and 20 kg of DAP can be applied per acre. Schisandra seeding is divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing, and spring sowing is conducted from late April to mid-May. Autumn sowing takes place from late September to late October. The spring is sown in the north and can be broadcasted or broadcast. (Spraying): Spread the seeds evenly over the entire land, sowing the sowing volume per acre of about 10 to 12 kg, covering the soil 2 cm. (Drilling): Before sowing, a seedbed with a width of 1.2 meters and a height of 5 to 10 centimeters shall be drilled and drilled 10 to 12 centimeters. The seed shall be sown evenly in a small trench, with a sowing volume of about 7 to 9 kilograms per acre. Cover soil 2 to 2.5 cm with tweezers. 5. Miaotian management: In order to prevent leaf blight and other infectious diseases after sowing with soil, spray 800-1000 times of 50% dexamethasone water solution in combination with watering. Before emergence, cover grass and water, prevent drought, plant seedlings 20 to 30 days after sowing, timely weeding and watering at seedling stage, when the emergence rate reaches 50% to 70%, remove the grass cover and immediately take the simple cover Shade. When the seedlings grow to 7 to 10 cm, remove the shade shed. Always water it to keep it moist. When the seedlings grow to 6 to 9 true leaves, thinning is performed. The spacing between the rows is kept between 7 and 10 cm. Winter seedlings cover grass to ensure safe wintering. Two-year-old Schisandra seedlings can be transplanted and planted in late spring. III. Cultivation Techniques 1. Transplantation and Planting (1). Site Preparation and Site Preparation: The requirements of Wuweizi on the land are not strict, and cultivated land can be planted on slope farmland, waste land and flat land. However, in order to reduce the production cycle, it is better to moisten loose soil with deep humus in the flat soil and close to the water source. The construction of the Schisandra Park will benefit planting for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job of planning first, including location, area, seedlings, garden protection settings, and organization construction. After selecting the land, the soil should be ploughed before the soil is thawed in the previous year. The depth of ploughing is 25 to 30 cm. In combination with the autumn plough, the fertilizer is applied to the compost. About 3,000 kilograms of farmyard manure is applied per acre, and the soil is used as a spare. (2). Planting type and density: The second year after the establishment of the park after the thawing, it is advisable to set up the flatland in a north-south direction from the ground, with a row spacing of 120 cm, a pile height of 2.5 meters, a pile spacing of 5 meters, and iron No. 8 Lines are horizontal and can be divided into three lanes, and they can be fixed. Planting density of plant spacing is 0.5 meters, about 1100 to 1200 per acre planted, this planting method can effectively use the land area, easy to manage. (3). Transplanting time: Transplanting is divided into spring planting and autumn planting, and the spring planting time is from early to mid-April. The autumn season from mid-October to late October, the north is dominated by spring planting, which prevents winter dead seedlings, guarantees the survival rate and preservation rate, makes it a garden as soon as possible and is easy to manage. (4). Planting methods: dig a planting hole or planting ditch, and dig and plant the hole. The specification is 30 centimeters wide, 30 centimeters high, and 30 centimeters high. A large fistful of small earth bags is left in the pit, and the seedlings are placed in the small earth package. In order to stretch the root system, prevent the roots and roots from falling, and then return to the soil. When removing the topsoil, remove the stones and mix in 2.5 kg of decomposed farmyard fertilizer. When two-thirds of the soil returns to soil, all soil will be soiled. , To make enough water to ensure soil moisture and improve the survival rate of seedlings. After the water completely sinks, fill the pit. It is necessary to gently suppress the water to facilitate the survival of the seedlings. At the same time, insert a rack to introduce vines and check the seedlings after 15 days. If there is no survival, supplement the seedlings. In order to prevent the harm of livestock, it is possible to apply guardrails around the garden for prevention and treatment. 2. Field management (1). Irrigation and fertilization: Schisandra is like water and fertilizer. The growth period of pregnant buds needs enough water and nutrients. After the first year of planting, it should be watered several times to ensure the moisture content of the soil so as to ensure seedlings. The survival rate and normal growth. Schisandra enters the fruiting tree. In normal years, it is necessary to ensure that the water before flowering and after flowering, the huge fruit water, the frozen water, and 4 to 5 times watering, and immediately after the watering, the soil should be soiled to prevent soil compaction. (Fertilization): The first year of Wuweizi should be topdressed with 15 to 20 kg of urea per acre in mid-June. Two-year students should apply about 20 kilograms of potassium phosphate fertilizer and urea per acre in the beginning of May in order to promote growth and expand the canopy as soon as possible. In addition to topdressing chemical fertilizers, the three-year-old shall also apply the compost during the autumn of mid-October, and apply about 3,000 kilograms of manure per acre to ensure the fertility of the soil. The topdressing method can be used to open a 15-20 cm deep annular ditch around the root from 30 to 50 centimeters, and apply fertilizer to cover the soil. Do not injure the root system when you open the ditch. For a park with a relatively high yield and a weaker tree type, it is possible to apply page 5 fertilizer by using 5/1000 urea solutions. (2). Cultivated and weeded: Although the schisandra is a wild plant, it must pay attention to cultivating and weeding after introducing the field, so that it can produce as early as possible with early results. Weeding and weeding can also be combined with irrigation and fertilization, which takes place three to four times a year. The first time before germination, soil fertility should be combined with fertilization. The second time should be combined with irrigation in mid-May. The third time is in late June. The fourth time in mid-July. In addition to reducing soil nutrient consumption, cultivating and weeding can also reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. In short, there can be no grass shortage in the park. (3). Pruning: After the colonization of the year, select 2 or 3 stout buds as the main branch for stem culture after sprouting, and at the same time, introduce the vine (vine) to the shelf. In mid-September and late September, acerola tip processing is performed to promote the maturity of the shoots and prepare for wintering. Two-year-olds should keep their branches growing and urge them to expand their canopies so that they can achieve results as quickly as possible. Three-year-olds, that is, entering the result period, in addition to continuing to expand the trunk, increasing the area of ​​the results, combined with winter and summer pruning methods. (Summer cutting) To remove basal branches, twigs, overlapping branches, dense branches, diseased worm branches, and at the same time need to carry out sparse shearing or short cuts on dense new branches, and continue to control basal litchi. (Winter shear) In the early spring, the extension branches are shortened to expand the canopy step by step, and attention should be paid to the cultivation of long fruiting branches to increase the area of ​​the results. (4) Overwintering management: The entire park is cleaned in the middle or late October to remove debris such as dead leaves and leaves. In the autumn, the fertilizer is applied at the same time, and the winter irrigation and the base soil cultivation are performed at the same time to ensure safe wintering. 3. Disease and Insect Pest Control (1). Powdery mildew, this disease occurs in high temperature and rain, especially in poor ventilation, the prevention and control method is: using 1:1:100 times Bordeaux spray to prevent, spraying in mid-June Once, the interval of 20 days in early July sprayed a good preventive effect. Such as sudden powdery mildew, can be used 25% Trifenin 1000 to 1500 times spray, once every 10 days, 3 times in succession (2). Leaf blight: Schisandra in the seedling stage and adult stage can be the disease. The onset period is from late May to mid July. The disease is caused by fungi. The disease is caused by the tip of the leaf or by the edge of the disease. It gradually spreads to the entire page, causing yellowish shedding, and fruit loss, resulting in early fruit drop. The strain died. Control methods: At the beginning of the disease, 1; 1: 100 times Bordeaux spray, once in seven consecutive days, leaf blight at high temperatures, rainy, poor ventilation, so must pay attention to ventilation. Strengthen field management and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. (3). Blight mainly occurs at the seedling stage when the temperature is low and it is easy to develop the disease. When the disease occurs, the seedlings fall down. Control method, spray with 70% of dexamethasone 1200 times (4). Black velvet gold turtle: The young schisandra buds just after planting are easily endangered by the black cash tortoise shell, and the golden tortoiseshell turtle can be found overnight, when found With 1000 to 1200 times the liquid enemy killing spray control. (5). Roller leaf insect: It is one of the major pests of adult Schisandra, larvae damage Schisandra cotyledons, when serious harm can be used 1000 to 1500 times liquid dimethoate, each Each 25-millimeter-acre spray is used, but all pesticides must be stopped one month before harvesting to prevent agricultural residues from affecting drug quality. 4. Acute Schisandra (agriculture) injury: Pesticides are harmful to Schisandra. The cultivation of Schisandra chinensis should be more than 200 meters away from cultivated land to prevent pesticides sprayed on cultivated land from drifting to Schisandra. Acute injury occurs quickly, and the symptoms of the plant are obvious, such as withering, rolling leaves, falling flowers, falling fruit, chlorosis, slow growth, delayed growth period, and death of severe plants. Mainly due to improper application and pesticide drift. At present, the occurrence of pesticide drift and the occurrence of phytotoxicity to schisandra are mainly field herbicides such as 2,4-D-butyl ester.
2,4-D-butyl ester is a herbicide widely used in grass crops such as corn, and it is also a chemical herbicide that causes phytotoxicity to Schisandra. 2,4-D-D-butylate (English generic name is 2,4-a) butylate) is a phenoxyacetic acid-type selective herbicide, has strong internal conductivity, mainly used for post-emergence shoots and leaves Treatment to penetrate the stratum corneum and cytoplasmic membrane, and finally to the various parts, in the top of the plant to inhibit nucleic acid metabolism and protein synthesis, so that the growth point to stop growing, the young leaves can not stretch, inhibit the normal photosynthesis, conduction to the lower part of the plant Pharmaceutics increase the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in stem tissue, promote abnormal cell division, apical enlargement, loss of absorption capacity, distortion of stems, deformity, plugging of screen tubes, destruction of phloem, impediment of organic transport, and thus disruption of normal plants. The ability to live, eventually leading to plant death. Due to differences in external morphology, tissue structure and physiology between plants, the resistance of 2,4-D-butyl ester herbicides is different, and the rate of degradation of 2,4-D-butyl esters by dicotyledonous plants in general is different. Slow, so weak resistance, prone to injury. Gramineous plants can quickly metabolize 2,4-D-butyl ester and lose their activity, which makes them highly resistant. In addition, the drug has good spreadability, strong penetration, easy to enter the plant body, not easy to be washed by rain; it has a strong volatility, the drug droplets can drift very far in the air, so that sensitive plants are victimized. Therefore, 2,4-D-butyl ester is mainly used in corn, wheat, barley, millet, sorghum and other gramineous and gramineous pastures. Its sensitive crops include cotton, melons, Beans, potatoes, sunflowers, fruit trees, Vegetables, dicotyledons, and other crops.
2,4-D-butyl ester fluid drift is the main cause of phytotoxicity to the surrounding sensitive crops. Because 2,4-D-butyl ester is very volatile and can drift in the air, its probability of occurrence is about About 60%, according to field investigations, it was found that under static wind conditions, the drift of 2,4-D-butyl ester can cause sensitive crops within 50 meters to produce different levels of phytotoxicity; in windy conditions, it can even It is possible to cross over buildings such as embankments and to victimize sensitive crops. The drift distance of the liquid can reach more than 200 meters.
Using a sprayer that sprays a 2,4-D-butyl ester agent on a crop sensitive to it can also produce phytotoxicity. The 2,4-D-butyl ester agent has very good expansibility. Once it is contaminated, it is difficult to remove it. According to the investigation, the use of detergents such as soap water, alkaline water, detergent, etc. to clean the sprayer 5 to 6 times has not completely removed it, and some victims have only used one of them. The parts and components, even sprayers contaminated with 2,4-D-butyl ester, remain for a period of 2 to 3 years before they are still phytotoxic. Preventive measures: (1) Do a good job of regional planting planning: plant the grass crop area and the Schisandra planting area by area, and ensure that there is a sufficient isolation area between grass crops and Schisandra, and the Schisandra should be planted on the planting area. At the outlet. In the vicinity of 200 meters of Schisandra, it is forbidden to use this herbicide for chemical weeding, and herbicides such as DuPont Superstar, Yili, Mai Lele, and Meibao can be used. Use this medicine within a safe distance and use it when there is no wind and low temperature.
(2) Remediation measures for phytotoxicity Under normal circumstances, 1%_2% urea, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other available fertilizers can be sprayed after the emergence of the phytotoxicity, to promote the growth of crops and increase the resistance to drugs; 0.1 can also be used. Percentage of 300-600 ml/ha of alizarin lactone sprays 750 kg/ha of water. Severe need to add 85 9/6 gibberellin crystalline powder 20 mg / kg to remedy, gibberellin water-soluble and non-soluble two formulations: water-soluble can be directly diluted with water, is strictly prohibited with alcohol or liquor Dissolved, water-insoluble must be diluted with a small amount of alcohol or 60-degree spirits before dilution with water. V. Harvest Schisandra fruit enters mature period in mid-late September. It can be naturally dried in the trees, but it can also be manually harvested and dried. However, it mainly uses manual collection and drying to reduce losses. (1) After the artificial collection of Schisandra, the fruit shall be placed on the sandy soil or on the cement floor for drying, and shall be turned frequently to prevent rain, so as to prevent moldy deterioration and make it dry naturally. For 3 to 5 days in the sun, wrinkles on the skin can be dried in 2 to 3 weeks. (2). Drying. The room temperature should be about 60 degrees Celsius at the beginning. When the schisandra is half dry, the temperature should be reduced to about 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, and when it reaches 80%, it should be moved to outdoor drying until it is completely dry.

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