Prevention and Control of Peach Leaf Miner

Peach leafminer is mainly harmful to peaches, apricots, plums, etc. A larvae feed on the leaves under the epidermis of the leaves, and they make small curved tunnels in the leaves to make the leaves lose nutrition and dry off. When serious, it can cause the whole garden to fall off.

Peach leaf miners occur 7 to 8 generations a year. According to the principles of pest control, they are mainly controlled and eliminated before or at the beginning. Therefore, the best period for this pest control is the early and early stage of winter after the fall of leaves: the peach leafminer is overwintering in the deciduous tree or in the skin trunk and licking in the pupa. Therefore, the most effective measures to prevent and control Peach leaf miner are: (1) clearing the garden in winter and eliminating overwintering mites; (2) playing a 5 Baume degree limestone mixture in the peach sprouting stage; (3) spraying 40% before the mass occurrence Guolong suspension agent 12000 ~ 15000 times + soft water through 4,000 times the mixture, control effect is good.

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