Lily Mosaic Disease (CMV) Prevention

Symptoms: Mottled green spots or necrotic spots appear on the leaves.

Pathogens: Lilylatent virus, Cucumbermosaic virus (CMV for short). Lily latent virus has a wide range of hazards in the genus Lilium. Some lilies are asymptomatic after infecting the virus, while others have symptoms of retrograde mottle. Cucumber Mosaic Virus causes a greenish mottled symptom, if the disease interacts with one another.

Route of transmission: Myzus persicae and other aphids are mediator insects that transmit the virus. Cucumber mosaic virus infected plants include cucumbers, tomatoes, zinnias, tobacco and heart smoke, causing mosaic and malformation symptoms.

Control methods:

1. Make a good record of planting. Don't use the diseased plant as breeding material. Burn the diseased plant that has been removed.

2. Insecticides are regularly sprayed to kill aphids.

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