Can pregnant women drink green bean soup in summer?

Pregnant mothers are prosperous, especially during the summer, and mothers must feel particularly hot. Therefore, some pregnant women would like to use mung bean soup to relieve summer heat, but do not understand whether it has adverse effects on the fetus, and now for everyone to talk about mothers can drink mung bean soup in summer.



The content of lysine in mung bean is higher than other crops. In addition, mung beans are also rich in starch, fat, protein, vitamins, and zinc, calcium and other minerals. Chinese medicine believes that mung bean is sweet and cold, and has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, quenching summer heat and quenching thirst, and reducing water swelling. It is a diet supplement for pregnant women to supplement zinc and prevent pregnancy edema.

of two

Mung bean soup is good, but pregnant women should drink less, not suitable for long-term drinking. Mung beans belong to the yin, for those who are cold and spleen are not suitable for long drink. Pregnant women can drink mung bean soup, but do not put too much sugar, and other pregnant women must not drink ice mung bean soup, easily lead to diarrhea. When boiled mung bean, you can add some red bean jujube to cook together, can qi and blood, in addition, red bean soup can diuretic, eliminating the third trimester of leg swelling, killing more.


Chinese medicine believes that mung bean is sweet and cold, and has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, quenching summer heat and quenching thirst, and reducing water swelling. But mung beans are not for everyone. If the pregnant mother is chilly and prone to diarrhea, do not eat more mung beans.

If pregnant women really want to use green beans to relieve summer heat, they can eat mung bean porridge. The practice is to wash the rice and mung beans separately and add water to boil them. At the same time, if you want to use green beans to boil sweet water alone, you must boil green beans so that you do not eat too cool.

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