Seven "Notes" for drinking soy milk

Soy milk, many people like it, many people will use soy milk as breakfast. However, we must pay attention to drinking milk, otherwise it is easy to induce disease. So, what should we pay attention to drinking milk?

1. Not everyone.

The motherland medicine thinks: Soymilk is flat and cold and slippery. It is usually cold in the stomach. People who have nausea, nausea, belching, and sourness after swallowing, people with spleen deficiency and diarrhea, abdominal distension, and those who suffer from frequent urination at night and nocturnal emission and kidney deficiency are Do not drink soy milk.

2. Can't drink with drugs.

Some drugs can destroy nutrients in milk, such as tetracycline, erythromycin and other antibiotics.

3. Can not rush into the egg.

The egg whites in the egg will bind to trypsin in the soy milk and produce substances that are not easily absorbed by the body.

4. Avoid drinking too much milk.

One should not drink too much, otherwise it is easy to cause overeating protein indigestion, abdominal distention, diarrhea and other discomfort.

5. Do not drink on an empty stomach.

Fasting milk, soy protein in the milk will be converted into heat in the human body and consumed, can not play a full complement effect. Drink milk and eat some bread, cakes, bread and other starchy foods, so that the soybean protein, etc. in the role of starch, and gastric juice more fully enzymatic hydrolysis, so that nutrients are fully absorbed.

6. Do not drink uncooked soybean milk.

Raw soy milk contains harmful substances such as saponin and trypsin inhibitors. If you drink it without cooking, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur.

7. Avoid using thermos to store milk.

Under conditions of suitable temperature, using soybean milk as nutrient, the bacteria in the bottle will multiply, and after 3 to 4 hours, the soybean milk will be spoiled and spoiled.