Spark Plug Temporary Emergency Repair

In the process of driving the vehicle, the spark plug also generates various problems from time to time, causing the vehicle to fail to start, the engine to severely shake, the exhaust pipe blasting, and failure to accelerate. We know that the role of the spark plug in all types of vehicles is to jump from the center pole to the side of the pole when the high voltage is turned on, to ignite the compressed combustible gas in the cylinder of the engine and make the engine run to drive the wheels. Spark plugs will ablate in the course of daily use, cause serious carbon deposition on the electrodes, and cause electrode gaps to shift. Here, in the event of a leakage of spark plugs, damage to the porcelain core, or problems with the electrodes, in the absence of a new spark plug at a time, several simple and practical methods of temporary emergency repairs are introduced, but for reference only. Symptom: When the spark plug flashes, it is abnormal: Solution: The spark plug is frequently skipped. Especially when the vehicle burns oil, the spark plugs tend to deposit carbon charcoal between the two electrodes, resulting in abnormal flashover. At this time, scraps can be carefully scraped off. The dirt is deposited on charcoal, then polished with fine gold sand leather and finally cleaned in gasoline to return to normal. Fault problem: The spark plug produces leakage: Solution: When the spark plug is encountered, the high-voltage sub-firing wire can be removed from the spark plug head, and then the spark plug can be placed on the spark plug, leaving about 8 mm between the high-voltage sub-firing line and the spark plug. Distance, and then in the connection with insulated rubber tube and enameled wire copper wire all tightly fixed. The reasoning of this method is very simple. When the extended spark jump gap is used, a higher flashover voltage is required. Therefore, after setting a jump gap artificially, a higher jump voltage goes to the electrode of the spark plug, resulting in high Piezoelectricity can directly touch and generate sparks on the electrode when it cannot leak in the instant. Fault problem: spark plug central electrode blown: Solution: If the spark plug electrode charcoal carbonization for a long time, coupled with the poor quality of some spark plugs, it is easy to cause the central electrode burned and scrapped. When there is no temporary replacement, the ceramic core tube at the tip of the spark plug can be carefully knocked off, so that the central electrode core is re-exposed to a length of about 3 mm, and then the side electrode is brought closer to the central electrode and slightly bent. The gap between the two electrodes is re-adjusted to a normal value of 0.6 to 0.9 mm to continue use. Symptom: The side electrode of the spark plug is blown: Solution: Once the side electrode of the spark plug is blown, causing the gap to increase and fail to flash, use the needle-nose pliers to carefully bend the center electrode down. Be careful when bending. Break the electrode, make the center electrode close to the side electrode, and adjust to the normal working gap to temporarily emergency use. Symptom: The spark plug cannot flash over. Solution: Some newly installed spark plugs have been installed and found that they cannot be properly flashed. It is normal to check the high voltage discharge. However, the spark plugs cannot be jumped when the spark plugs are shorted to the body shell. Fire is generally a quality issue. When observing the round shape at the tip of the spark plug, you can remove the fault by using a straight trowel to cut the electrode into a sharp corner shape. Generally speaking, in the purchase of spark plugs, should look at the head electrode should be sharp or angular shape, then work very easy to skip fire, round shape is not easy to skip fire, you should pay attention to the usual configuration .