In the elderly diet is not suitable for six

After the age of 30 years, the metabolic rate of human body decreases by 0.5% every year, and the content of blood cholesterol increases year by year. Therefore, after middle-aged, blood lipids are often high, and the incidence of arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease is also gradually increasing. Among many factors, some bad eating habits also have a great influence on the increase of blood lipids.

Bad habits 1. Eat less meals. Some 1,400 elderly people between the ages of 60 and 64 have found that one-third of those who eat two meals a day suffer from cardiovascular disease, and those who eat five meals a day (the same amount of total calories) suffer only one fifth of the time. Another report pointed out that people with 3 or fewer meals per day have 57.2% of obese patients, 51.2% of those with higher cholesterol, and 50% or more of daily meals. Only 28.8% of patients were ill, and 17.9% were high cholesterol. Experts believe that the longer the fasting time, the greater the possibility of body fat accumulation.

Bad habits 2. Dinner was too late. Dinner is too late, and eating hard to digest food, will increase the deposition of cholesterol in the arterial wall, promote the occurrence of arteriosclerosis. Someone has done such an experiment: In the evening let the rats eat a high-fat diet, and immediately fell asleep, the fat content of these rats' blood rose sharply. If these same high-fat diets are eaten in the morning or at noon, there is little effect on the fat content in the blood.

Bad habits 3. Like to eat refined food. Some people do not eat brown rice coarse grains and only eat polished white flour. They do not know that in the bran of rice and wheat, they contain a variety of trace elements and cellulose that are needed by the human body. For example, chromium and manganese have the highest levels in whole grains, beans, and nuts. . If refined after processing, these two elements will be greatly reduced. If rats and rabbits are fed with feed lacking these two elements, the animals are prone to arteriosclerosis. Plant cellulose can increase the excretion of cholesterol and reduce blood cholesterol levels. The food is too fine, too little cellulose, and it is not easy to have a feeling of fullness. It often causes over-eating and obesity. Therefore, the incidence of vascular sclerosis and hypertension is increased in those who eat a low-fiber diet for a long period of time.

Bad habits 4. Eat too much fat. Excessive consumption of animal oils, fatty meats and some foods rich in cholesterol, such as pork, liver, preserved eggs, crab yellow, butter, etc., can cause elevated blood lipids, but not to absolutely fast the above foods. In recent years, studies have shown that normal cholesterol does not cause atherosclerosis, and spoilage cholesterol is the culprit causing arteriosclerosis. Therefore, some animal oils, especially lard oil, should not be stored for too long. If it has been degraded, if the color is dark and there is mildew or spoilage, then do not eat it. If you take too much sugar, the excess will turn into fat. As blood lipids increase, the chance of coronary artery thrombosis increases. Other studies have found that sugar can increase the role of the liver synthesis of lipids. After three weeks of eating high-glucose diet, normal blood triglycerides can rise more than twice. If you eat a high-sugar diet for high-fat patients, triglycerides can also increase 4 to 5 times.

Bad habits 5. Partial eclipse picky eaters. Partial picky eaters often result in incomplete absorption of nutrients. If you eat less green leafy vegetables, vitamin C deficiency often occurs, and vitamin C can reduce cholesterol, reduce or prevent arteriosclerosis. If soy products are eaten less, cholesterol cannot be excreted in the feces. Others do not eat garlic or onions. They suspect that they have special odors. They do not know that garlic and onions have a good lipid-lowering effect.

Bad habits 6. Tobacco, alcohol, and alcohol. The world scientific community has recognized that most cardiovascular diseases are related to smoking. Excessive drinking for a long time can cause increased adipose tissue in the heart muscle, weakened heart function, and the heart becomes hypertrophy. Especially for people who drink a lot of beer for a long period of time, they are more likely to have this kind of heart change. It is medically called a “beer heart”. Alcohol can affect people's lipid metabolism, and reduce the body's ability to remove lipids from the blood, thereby increasing the incidence of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

In summary, bad eating habits are closely related to high blood lipids, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and so on. In order to prolong life, middle-aged and elderly people should thoroughly change the above-mentioned various bad eating habits and consciously develop good eating habits to ensure the health of the body.