Feed protein overdose broilers also "shout" gout

On October 7, Zhu Fengqun, a professional chicken farmer in Changshou County, Chongqing, came to inquire. The broilers he bred during this time were emaciated, exuded with white excrement, swollen joints, and walked on a trip. The broiler got lice disease? How to prevent?
According to an exchange call with Zhu Fengqun, the preliminary judgment is that this is a chicken gout.
Gout is a disease characterized by the deposition of urate caused by protein metabolism disorders, also known as urate deposition disease. The disease was initially found in young chickens and caged laying hens, which can lead to decreased egg production and increased mortality. Usually, this disease will cause the deposition of urate in the viscera and joints, causing the diseased chicken to lose weight, weakness, white excrement, swollen joints, and claudication. The incidence of broiler chickens is higher than that of laying hens, and broiler chickens can cause 2%-3% mortality if accompanied by visceral gout.
Under normal conditions, the ammonia produced by protein metabolism in chicken body is synthesized into purine by the liver and kidneys, and then converted into uric acid, which is excreted by the kidneys with urine. This is the white component of poultry manure. When the amount of protein in the diet is excessive or urea is incorporated, the amount of uric acid produced in the body is greatly increased. At the same time, when vitamin A deficiency and other factors cause renal dysfunction, uric acid excretion is blocked, and the concentration of uric acid in the blood increases rapidly. The form of salt deposits in the kidney, causing the deposition of large amounts of urate in the kidneys, renal tubules, ureters, and cloacas. In severe cases, there are urate deposits on the surface of other organs and in the joint cavity, and finally die with uric acidosis.
The disease can occur throughout the year. The main causes of the disease are as follows:
Lack of VA and VD. VA has a protective effect on the mucous membranes. In the absence of VA, it can cause keratinization and squamous metaplasia of renal tubules, collecting ducts, and ureters, leading to gout. The lack of VD can cause the metabolism of the body's minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus, and cause imbalances in the gout.
High protein feeds increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood of chickens. A large amount of uric acid is excreted by the kidneys, which increases the burden on the kidneys and damages them, causing gout.
Poor fishmeal has low protein content, high salt content, and is often doped with urea. High levels of salt, urea, mold, and their toxins are negligible factors that cause kidney damage. Causes high calcium and low phosphorus, causing gout after feeding chickens.
Unreasonable use of antibiotics. Many drugs have damaging effects on the kidneys, such as sulfonamides, Aminoglycoside Antibiotics, and cold-flux, which are excreted in the body through the kidneys and have potential toxic effects on the kidneys.
Do not pay attention to the daily management of the chicken. Temperature is too high, too low can cause the rise of blood urate concentration, resulting in the deposition of urate; drinking water is insufficient, the body lacks water to make urine concentrated, urate deposition in the ureter; density is too large, no exercise space, light Insufficient, at the same time feeding high-protein feed, so that the deposition of urate, resulting in gout.
Infectious bronchitis is a highly contagious disease in chickens that causes nephritis and kidney failure. Avian nephritic virus (ANV) is an enterovirus that proliferates in kidney cells and can cause gout.
Prevention and treatment of the current disease-free treatment of the disease, so to prevent the main -
Ensure the quality of the feed and the full price of nutrition, prevent malnutrition and keep the flock healthy.
The protein content of the feed formulation should not be too high (below 20%) to avoid kidney damage and urinary calculi; prevent the excessive addition of animal protein feed such as fishmeal, supply sufficient fresh green material and drinking water, and increase the vitamin A, D content.
Adding high levels of methionine (0.3%-0.6%) to immature broiler diets protects the kidneys. Adding a certain amount of ammonium sulfate (5.3g/kg) and ammonium chloride (10g/kg) to the diet can reduce the pH of urine. Urine stones can be dissolved in uric acid to be urate and excreted, reducing urinary stones. Incidence rate.
Reduce the incentive for gout. Do not feed mildew feed; strictly control the temperature and humidity when hatching, freshly hatched young chicks supply drinking water in a timely manner; poultry houses should be kept clean, ventilated, dry, and often disinfected; light should be suitable; breeding density should be reasonable, can not be too large, Regular disinfection and scientific immunization enhance the resistance of chickens and prevent disease, especially diseases causing renal insufficiency.
Use drugs rationally. Do not use or excessively use drugs and disinfectants that damage the kidneys, such as sulfa drugs, gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, etc.
In the treatment, Rhubarb soda tablets were administered, 1.5 tablets per kilogram of body weight (including 0.15 g of rhubarb and 0.15 g of sodium bicarbonate), and the severely infected chickens were only given directly, and the remaining spices were used twice a day for 3 days. At the same time as the application of rhubarb soda tablets, add electrolysis multidimensional (such as vitality), AD3 powder, and give enough water to feed.
Chinese medicine can be detoxification, blood circulation, diuretic swelling. Side 1: 150 grams of Astragalus, Atractylodes, Qinpi, Lysimachia, capillaris, buckwheat, Mutong 100 grams each, Alisma, mantle, flower, Gongying, Divine Comedy, malt, each 50 grams, gardenia, licorice each 20 Take Jianshui to take, slag and spices for 3 to 5 days for 1,000 big chickens. Party 2: Ban Langen 100 grams, honeysuckle 100 grams, plantain 100 grams, dried tangerine peel 50 grams, 50 grams of Salvia miltiorrhiza, licorice 20 grams crushed (1-1.5 grams per chicken), boiled water at the end of the drug, let cool, syrup and The dregs were mixed in feed and fed twice a day for 5 days.


A chemical substance produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs. Many hormones are secreted by special glands, such as thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland. Hormones are essential for every activity of life, including the processes of digestion, metabolism, growth, reproduction, and mood control. Many hormones, such as neurotransmitters, are active in more than one physical process.


Pertaining to hormones and the glands that make and secrete them into the bloodstream through which they travel to affect distant organs. The endocrine sites include the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid, parathyroids, heart (which makes atrial-natriuretic peptide), the stomach and intestines, islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, the adrenal glands, the kidney (which makes renin, erythropoietin, and calcitriol), fat cells (which make leptin). the testes, the ovarian follicle (estrogens) and the corpus luteum in the ovary). Endocrine is as opposed to exocrine. (The exocrine glands include the salivary glands, sweat glands and glands within the gastrointestinal tract.)

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