Artificial Breeding Technique of Stingray

The stingray is delicate in flesh, delicious in taste, rich in nutrition, scarce in the market, and in short supply. In the process of stingray breeding, it is difficult to obtain well-ordered and sufficient numbers of fry in many areas, hindering the scale production of stingray. We tried and tested in 1999-2002 and basically grasped the artificial propagation and fry cultivation techniques of stingray. The technical method is now described as follows:

First, the artificial breeding of stingray

1, the choice of broodstock. The choice of broodstock mainly pays attention to the standard of pure breeding and the choice of different water bodies. The broodstock source is currently mainly commercial fish species that are harvested from rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. It is required to select purebred, large individuals, robust physiques, disease-free fish with intact fins, no damage, and mature gonads. First, the broodstock is reared for cultivation, and then strictly selected in the reserve broodstock directly after cultivation as a new fish breeding pool. Females weigh more than 150 grams per tail and males weigh more than 200 grams.

2, artificial labor. The male body is longer and has only one vent hole. Females are smaller and have one gonopore and one urinary tract. During the reproductive season, the abdomen of the female fish is enlarged and soft, and the genital hole is slightly inward and infrared, and lightly pressing the abdomen with light yellowish granules flows out of the abdomen. Male and female ratio of 2:1 is more appropriate.

The medication per kilogram of female fish was domoxone 20 mg + chorionic gonadotropin 1000 IU + luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue 20 mg. The male dose is halved. If the broodstock is first used for oxytocin production, the dose of the broodstock may be appropriately lower, and if the broodstock is produced after the second time, the dose is slightly increased. The injection site is mostly at the base of the pectoral fin, and the soft tissue at the base of the dorsal fin is also OK. The needle should not be too deep to avoid stabbing the fish's internal organs.

3, artificial hatching. The bred broodstock is placed in a sterile hatching pond and removed from the hatchery after it is laid. The hatching pool is 0.5-0.7 meters deep and uses a combination of running water and still water. At a water temperature of 25-28°C, it takes about 18-20 hours from the time the eggs are laid to rupture the fish. During the incubation process, aeration pumps can be used to increase oxygen, and a sand filter with a diameter of 1.5 cm and a length of 8 cm can be continuously inflated in an 8 m2 hatchery.

Second, raising fish fry. After 2 days from the fish seedlings, the cooked egg yolk was beaten and approximately 1 eggplant per 10,000 seedlings was used. Sprinkle evenly around the holding pool and gradually deepen the water level and add it to a depth of 0.8 meters. After a week of raising, it can be placed in a larger pond for cultivation.

Third, fry cultivation. The stocking density of the sturgeons after raising them is 1.5 to 200,000 fishes per acre, and it is better to raise grasses. The cultivation pond is suitable for 1-1.5 mu. It will be cleaned and sterilized in the first 2-3 weeks before the fish ponds in the pond. 50-75 kg of lime will be sprayed on the whole pond per acre, then the pig cow manure 300-400 will be fermented per acre pond. Kilograms allow the rotifers to reach peak during fry in the lower pool to increase the survival rate of nursery. The stingrays mainly feed on zooplankton, chironomid larvae, and nauplii, insects, etc., and also feed artificially-mixed diets, usually in the form of powders and baits. The fish pond can be placed on the bait station at the bottom of the pond. Formulated with the bait: fresh fish paste 35%, bean cake powder 25%. Three fishmeal 23%, corn flour 15%, binder 2%. When the water temperature is 20-32°C, and feeds are fed once a day in the afternoon and in the afternoon, a more concentrated feeding method should be adopted. The feeding area can account for 6-10% of the pond area.

Fourth, daily management. Staged water injection is an effective measure to speed up the growth of fry and improve the survival rate during fry cultivation. Specific methods: Shallow water ponds, fish when the depth of the pond is 40-60 cm, this is mainly taking into account the activity of the stingray fry is not strong, colony habits, shallow relative increase in the density of plankton in the water, there are It is good for feeding on fry. However, after a period of cultivation, the individual fish fry grows and the water quality begins to turn fat and grow old. No matter whether it is dissolved oxygen or the space is not suitable, water injection in stages can solve this problem. Next, add water once every 3-5 days, each time adding 8-10 cm of water. When flooding, prevent wild fish and predators from entering the pool.

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