Regular onion benefits

Although most people eat green onions daily, the nutritional value of onions is rarely known. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C. Onion not only has the effect of promoting appetite, but also has many functions such as preventing disease and keeping fit, losing weight and so on.

Some people have used mucilage in the onion tube with the same food as sea and rice, can nourish yin and replenish yang, treat impotence, nocturnal emission, low back pain and other diseases. In recent years, with the advancement of science and technology, experts at home and abroad have also studied the spicy taste and aroma of green onions.

Japanese scholar Suzuki Masaru believes that the spicy taste of green onions comes from organic sulfur, especially the light blue part contains a lot of scallion, not only produces a stimulating odor, but also stimulates the secretion of alpha-adrenergic, a hormone hormone is a hormone hormone, This can promote the decomposition of body fat; and people's fat and thin depends on the degree of human fat accumulation, fat people are often fat layer thickness, lean thin layer of fat. If you eat more green onions will increase the release of human heat, which will reduce the accumulation of fat.

Phyllanthus Emblica Extract

Phyllanthus Emblica L,Extract Of Fructus Cynanchum,Phyllanthus Emblica Extract,Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae Extract