Gooses need to prevent 10 diseases

1. Goslings. The disease should mainly be prevention. A goose plague vaccine was used twice a month before the breeder's egg was laid for pre-immunization. Goslings can also be immunized with anti-goose serum for prevention of 0.5 ml per subcutaneous injection. The protection rate can reach 90%. In the treatment of sick geese, 1 ml of each 15 days of age is injected; 2 ml of each 15 days of age and 1 injection every other day, the cure rate can reach 70-85%, and high egg yolk injection can also be used for emergency prevention and treatment.

2, white goose. The disease is mainly caused by bacterial infections. You can use chili powder and ginger, put it in the pot for a few minutes, then stir in the rice bran and fry it. After the rice bran is fried, let cool, feed it, and feed it for 2 days.

3, goose flu. It occurs mainly in goslings, mostly caused by sudden temperature changes. Sick goose is apathetic and loses appetite. Shaking his head. The treatment is to give intramuscular injections of penicillin to diseased geese, and oral iridipine tablets.

4, paratyphoid. 7-10 days old goslings are most susceptible to infection, the main manifestation is the loss of appetite, dry mouth, gasping, phlegm. Treatment of this disease can be fed by feeding in a proportion of 0.65%, and feeding it for 3 to 8 days can be effective.

5. Fowl cholera. Diseased goose closed his eyes, loss of appetite, body temperature as high as 40-43 °C, 2-3 days after onset of death. Immediately after onset, intramuscular injection of penicillin and streptomycin mixture should be used for 3 to 4 days, 2 times a day, and 0.02% compound sulfamethoxazole should be added to the feed.

6, rheumatism. The disease is also known as "foot disease." Prevention and treatment of the disease will be cut off the fork of the goslings, out of dirty blood, into the human urine soak for 3-5 minutes to heal.

7, coccidiosis. The disease mainly harms goslings from 21 to 90 days of age. Prevention should mainly focus on 21-90 days of age. Chlopheloquinone can be added to the feed. The prevention amount was 50 mg per kg of feed; the treatment amount was 100 mg per kg feed.

8. Parasitic diseases. Parasitic disease is a nutrient-consuming disease of geese. Although it does not cause hunger and death, it seriously affects the growth and development of geese. The first time the goslings are repelled at 1 month of age. In general, 150-200 mg of thiodichlorophenol is administered to each goose weight goose in the evening, which has special effects on the control of aphids.

9, soft foot disease. The disease is mainly caused by the lack of vitamin D and minerals in goose feed. The treatment method is to feed 10ml of vitamin D to each geese, 2 times a day, even for 3 to 5 times.

10, poisoning. This is mainly due to the fact that the geese accidentally eaten green feed that was sprayed with pesticides. Goose poisoning phenomenon, can be put into the goose mouth dry urea 10-15 tablets, and then feed water. After feeding the water, the geese are rushed into the pond to drink water freely. Generally, the goslings that are lightly poisoned can gradually return to normal after 2 hours.

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