Keep a good five tips

Keep a good seed

The selected breeding species require bright fur, consistent dorsoventral coat color, short hair, hairy peaks, even hairiness, high density, uniform distribution, soft hair, good elasticity, slightly longer hairs than hairs, and purple hairs without white hairs. White spots. This kind of fur is of good quality.

Doing a good breeding management

The quail breeds once a year, with estrus and breeding in 2-3 months each year. Therefore, the species will enter the breeding season in late January. During the breeding period, it is necessary to ensure the supply of high-quality concentrates for animal husbandry. More than 80% of animal feed such as fresh blood, eggs, milk, and fish accounts for more than 80% of animal feed. At the same time, it will increase the use of yin and yang drugs, such as Liuwei Dihuang Wan, Epimedium, and vitamin E and vitamin B. Vitamin C and so on. It is necessary to eliminate inbreeding and prevent degeneration. In the late pregnancy, the female parent must ensure that it is supplied with high-quality feed. When slaughtered, the organs containing sex hormones such as the adrenal gland and pituitary gland must be removed to prevent the occurrence of stillbirth or miscarriage after the female parent feeds.

Pay attention to heat preservation and improve survival rate

After birth, the childbirth should be placed on the top, bottom, and sides of the childbirth box to keep hot water bags in order to increase the survival rate of the childbite.

prevent disease

Generally during the period of rapid growth and development of juveniles (July-August), the air temperature is high, the air humidity is high, and the feed is susceptible to deterioration. The cockroaches are very prone to gastrointestinal diseases. At this point should be excavated fresh purslane, sorrel, psyllium, violet, dandelion and other herbs to feed feed. This will not only reduce feed costs, but also prevent heatstroke and prevent intestinal diseases such as enteritis and dysentery. From June to July, vaccination against canine fever, paratyphoid fever and pasteurellosis should be given to prevent infection. The site of the vaccine injection is in the medial posterior thigh.

To improve nutrition during hair replacement

In addition to feeding high-quality concentrates, the quail must be fed with vegetable oils (bean oil, peanut oil, etc.) and vitamin B2 in addition to feeding high-quality concentrates. Each quail feeds 10 milligrams per day.

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