Gold and silver wood

Lonicera maakii Maxim. (Lonicera maakii Maxim.) Alias ​​gold and silver honeysuckle, chicken bones, honeysuckle honeysuckle, is distributed throughout the country, was born in the forest edge, valley, hillside shade or mixed forest. Deciduous shrubs or small trees, 3 to 5 m high, bark grayish brown, finely longitudinally divided; young branches pubescent, hollow branchlets hollow. Leaves opposite, leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 5-8 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, entire. Flowers pair twins, corolla lips, color after the first yellow, hence the name of gold and silver wood, with aroma. Berry connate, spherical, diameter of about 5 ~ 6 mm, mature red, can be deposited until early next spring. Flowering from May to June and September mature. The variant is 红f. erubescens Rehd.?. The flowers are large, light red, and the young leaves are also reddish.

Jinyuki wood is hi light, but also more resistant to shade; strong cold resistance, can withstand -40 °C low temperature; the soil is not strict, drought-tolerant, resistant to thin soil, strong adaptability to urban soil, strong growth. Jinyinmu is compact in shape, full of branches and leaves, with yellow and yellow branches and branches in spring and summer, flowers with aromas, high fruit set rate, dense red fruits on autumn branches, and lovely crystals. It is an excellent ornamental flower. Because of its strong shade-resistance, it can still bloom under the canopy of canopy of 0.5, and the result is normal growth. It is a rare species of fruit tree that can resist negative trees and can be used as a sparse forest for the undergrowth or for the greening of buildings. material. ? Because gold and silver wood flowers are both beautiful and more shade-tolerant, they are getting more and more attention in the greening of gardens and gardens. The breeding and cultivation techniques are summarized as follows:

1 Breeding

1.1 Seed propagation: After the seeds are fully matured in October-November, the seeds will be harvested, the fruit will be crushed, washed with water, and the flesh will be decanted. The water will be pure seeds, dried and stored until the middle or late January of the following year. Soak the seeds with warm water for 3 h, remove and mix in 2 to 3 times of wet sand, place it in the leeward sunny place, warm the germination, cover the plastic film to moisturize, often topple over, and keep warm. In the middle and late March, the seeds start to germinate. The seedbed is drilled and drilled in rows with a spacing of 20-25 cm, a ditch depth of 2-3 cm, a seeding rate of 50 g / 10 m-2, a cover soil of about 1 cm, and then covered with a plastic film to increase the temperature. 20 to 30 days after sowing can be emerged, after the emergence of agricultural film and time seedlings. When the seedling height 4 ~ 5 cm when the seedlings, seedling distance 10 ~ 15 cm. In May and June, topdressing urea was applied once every 15 to 20 kg per 667 m2. Timely watering, cultivating and weeding, seedlings up to 40 cm or more.

1.2 cutting propagation? Generally more use late autumn hardwood cuttings, with a small shed or Yangshuo moisturizing insulation. When the trees were deciduous to more than 1/3 in October-November, they should take a strong branch of the year, cut about 10 cm of cuttings, and treat them with ABT1 rooting powder solution of 5010??-6? for 10-12 h. The cutting density was 5 cm10 cm, 200 plants/m2, and the insertion depth was 3/4 of the cuttings. Rooting can be generally done before freezing, and budding is carried out from March to April of the following year. After urea was applied once a month, urea was applied at a rate of 10 kg per 667 m2, and NPK compound fertilizer was applied after the beginning of autumn to promote seedling stem growth and lignification. The seedlings up to 50 cm in that year. Can also be in the middle and late June, tender cuttings, proper management, survival rate is also high.

1.3 Secondary seedlings In the spring of the second year, the row spacing of the expanded plants is promptly transferred and planted at a row spacing of 40 cm50 cm. Fertilizers are applied 3 to 4 times a year and cultivated after 2 years of cultivation. Or go to a strain of one strain and turn it into 50 cm80 cm and continue to cultivate big seedlings. If it is cultivated into a tree-like tree shape, it should be transplanted and selected by a strong branch and short cut and dry, and the remaining branches should be removed. Afterwards, the lateral branches sprouted at the lower part and the sprouts must be picked in time to control their growth and promote trunk growth. ?

2 Post-planting management

Jinyinmu is robust, adaptable and easy to cultivate and manage. When planting, each plant applies 2 to 3 tons of compost as base fertilizer. In the growing season, it is generally not necessary to top-dress fertilizer. A decomposed organic fertilizer can be applied as base fertilizer every winter. Germination from spring to flowering can be irrigated 2 or 3 times, watered by drought during the summer and watered once before winter. After the fall of leaves, it can be cut off sparsely, and some dense branches, sick branches and dead branches can be neglected to make the branches evenly distributed. After 3 to 5 years of growth, it is possible to re-cut using buds or buds to promote the growth of new shoots instead of aging shoots. At the same time, the aging shoots, thin branches, and diseased shoots are removed to rejuvenate.

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