Why Chunlan winter is easy to die

1, Pentu too dry and too wet: orchids in the winter should be a substantial reduction in water, but can not but do not pour, can not let basin soil completely dry and then poured, if basin soil is too dry, combined with the dry winter climate, its pseudo bulbs are easy to cause Dry cockroaches and other tissues affect metabolism due to excessive water loss. Plants will grow poorly, and leaves will dry and even die. Winter orchids are most likely to suffer from excessive wetness in pots and soils, excessive water, and poor ventilation in pots and earths, which can easily cause rot and death.

2, water, soil is not suitable: water used for pouring orchids, it is best to use rain, river water, if you use well water or fresh tap water, basin soil is often easy to change alkali, soil quality deterioration, potted soil compaction, poor water seepage, poor ventilation, resulting in In winter, the potted soil is prone to moisture, and the possibility of rotted roots is high. Therefore, orchid flower pot soil should use loose acidic soil, PH is suitable between 5-6.5.

3, improper watering method. In other seasons, orchids should be watered in the morning or evening. In winter, they should be in daylight at noon. After pouring, they should be exposed to sunlight for 1 to 2 hours, and then moved to the interior of the leaves at the base of the leaves. When watering the room, the leaves are prone to water and dampness from the stems, causing pseudo-bulb rots and death of the plants. Because different varieties of orchids require different amounts of water, watering should be treated differently in the winter. For instance, Qiu Lan should be irrigated before entering winter, while Chunlan should be suitable rather than transparent; Qiu Lan need not be watered during heavy snowfall, but Chunlan is Run is good; from the winter solstice to light snow, Qiulan and Chunlan can not water or grasp eight dry and two points wet.

4, improper use of pots: cultivation of orchids using mud pots as well, mud pots better ventilation than glaze pots, water seepage, pots and soil dry too fast, it is suitable for orchid growth and not easily cause a long time of excessive humidity, thus pests and diseases Also less. The use of glazed pots, especially in the winter, is often apt to cause rot in the basin due to excessive wetness.

In addition, winter orchids should not use fertilizer, fertilization in the winter is most likely to make orchid rot. Indoor winter temperature and humidity should not be too high or too low, otherwise it will also make plants grow badly, and should avoid soot, when the room temperature is high, the doors and windows should be properly ventilated; when the temperature is too low, take precautions against freezing, so that the orchids can safely winter Do not die.

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