Penn A-1

Outstanding features:

●Growth habits grow rapidly with stolons

● Shade resistance

● Excellent heat resistance

● Excellent cold resistance

● Very good tramp resistance

● Golf green seeding rate 6-12 g/m2

● Golf Greenup Rate 4-6 g/m2

The new generation of Bin A or Bin G series has the following effects: high density, high density, short cut, dense planting, thin leaf, and consistent and rapid growth under high temperature and high humidity.

The new generation of bins has been modified to resist dollar spot and other hot and humid oppression. They belong to a balanced and stable cultivar, which can consistently suppress single-year-old Poaceae weeds in different climates.

Bin A-1 PENN A-1 (for greens)

Choosing seeds of high quality grass species in China can form excellent green turf, resist trampling, and have a good winter in coastal wet areas. Good resistance to spiking.

Bin A-4 PENN A-4 (for greens)

The good growth of Bin A-4 was verified at different altitudes and different climatic conditions and provided a good green surface.

Bin G-6 PENN G-6 (for greens)

With high vitality, it is recommended for new or replanting greens. Bin G-6 has a rapid development and can inhibit the growth of single-year, early-maturing weeds.

5A grade Huangjiu is adopted for Aged Wine ,i.e. A grade raw materials, A grade timing, A grade pottery jar, A grade storage and A grade brewers. Using Huangjiu of the most representative years as base, aged wine is bottled in green porcelain for banquet and gift-giving. Glass-bottled-wine is mainly used for 3-5 years of ordinary wine, with superior cost performance, suitable for people who drink at home frequently.Shaoxingtian Chun Wine,Yellow Wine Without Caramel Colour, etc..Shaoxing Wine without caramel is naturally fermented, with lighter color, purer and more attractive. The wine tastes fresh and mellow.

Yellow Wine Without Caramel Colour

Yellow Rice Wine,Jia Fan Wine,Shaoxingtian Chun Wine,Yellow Wine Without Caramel Colour