The Causes and Prevention of Muskmelon in Greenhouse

Causes of rotten melon 1. Climate reasons. If fruit set is covered with rain, fog, lack of light, ventilation, exhaust is not good, after the watering in the shed is not timely, high humidity and low temperature, etc., are easy to cause poor plant growth, after sitting melon rotten melon. 2. Longer shelf life and more pathogen accumulation. 3. The high rate of seed colonization is the source of rotten melons. The seed production units have not strictly controlled the disinfection of seeds, resulting in a high seed-borne rate, which is an important source of melon melons. 4. Improper cultivation and management techniques. 1 Planted densely, with poor ventilation and light transmission, only focusing on the growth of the ground, not paying attention to the root undershoot, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, leading to excessive growth of plants, disease resistance, pathogens breeding, infection. 2 Do not pay attention to prevention in advance, invest in diseases, use excessive amounts of drugs, and use more hormones. 3 The quality of the film used is not high, light transmission, and atomization are not good, and the air outlet is not pulled in time. 5. Fungi and bacteria are the main pathogens causing rotten melon. The fungal diseases that cause rotten melons include: disease, nucleus fungus, anthrax, blight, and black spot disease. These pathogens can survive on seeds, soil, and diseased plant debris, and are transmitted by airflow, infecting plant leaves and squash. The bacterial diseases that cause melon melons are: bacterial fruit rot and bacterial angular spot. These pathogens can attach to the seed surface, soil, and diseased plant residues for wintering, and are transmitted through rain, insects, and artificial agricultural operations. They are infected by wounds and natural channels. The temperature is 22 to 28°C and the humidity of the outside environment is high. Especially bacterial fruit rot has become the number one killer of melon production. Control Technology 1. Select good breeds. Guarantians must choose good-quality, good-quality, marketable and disease-resistant varieties. 2. Choose a good film. Muskmelon hi, high temperature, hi light, use a good film quality film. 3. Balanced and reasonable fertilization. Muskmelon needs more potassium, nitrogen, and phosphate, and is more sensitive to elements such as calcium, magnesium, and boron. When fertilizing, 6 to 8 cubic meters of chicken manure per 667 square meters, 75 kg of phosphoric acid diamine, 100 kg of compound fertilizer, 60 kg of potassium sulfate, and better with biological fertilizer. 4. Control pathogens. 1 timely treatment of diseased leaves. 2Plant body disinfection before planting. 3 soil disinfection. 5. Cut off the source of germs transmission. 1 sowing seeds before sowing, hot-spot sterilization or liquid soaking, hot water at 55°C, 150 times carbendazim or 200 times chlorothalonil liquid soaking. 2 nutrition soil disinfection. 3 Disinfect the pruning tools during field operations. 6. Take precautions. After the planting, when the main vine grows normally, it is necessary to use instructions to use 80% high-strength copper (strong enemy), General Fur, bacteria vanguard, agricultural streptomycin or chlorothalonil, and spray once every 5 to 7 days. After the fruit is covered with sheds, it is sprayed on sunny days, and the moisture can be discharged in time. When it is cloudy, it takes 35% of the bacteria king and 50% of the green smoke shed. Sweet type melon is strictly prohibited using sulfur-containing pesticides, the best melon surface bagging. 7. Pull the air outlet in time. According to the growth of the plant, the size of the tuyere should be appropriate. The night temperature in the shed is not lower than 15°C and it is 28-32°C during the day. (Author: New Sun Li Zhao Shifeng: Shandong Province Shenxian Bureau of Agriculture Agricultural Technology Promotion Center)

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