Milk white kidney beans cultivation techniques

Selection of land. Avoid heavy weights, squats, and inland areas, choose wheat or grains, sloping fields, and suitable fields. The soil quality requirements are not strict. Land preparation. It is required that the autumn fall from the fall of the earth should be done in autumn. In the spring, the earthworms must be more than 10 centimeters above the earth's surface. Seed treatment. To select new seeds, artificial grain selection, remove impurities, impurities, yttrium Fumei cream dressing, control of root rot, anthrax, the amount of 0.3% seed. sowing. Generally during the sowing period of May 20-25, the precision semi-precision single-seeded or double-seeded small planter can be used. The planter is 10 cm away from the plant, the seedlings are 4-5 kg, and the seeding depth is 5 cm. Soil compaction to prevent running out of seedlings. Fertilization. To do fertilizer box, in order to facilitate uniform fertilizer evenly. Mushi special soybean fertilizer 5--10 kg as seed fertilizer, control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer to prevent leggy, improve plant resistance to disease resistance. Field management. Shovel a plow before the grass to increase the temperature and promote the long, and then carry out a shovel and two took it again to the grass can be, such as weeds and more land, can be applied after sowing herbicide grass, formula bean bag 20 bags plus 6 kg of chloramine plus 2.4-d butanol 0.5 kg/m2, or after the seedlings are used in the flutter, bean grass in addition to 2 kg / m, stems and leaves treatment, add water 150--300 kg. In the case of low temperature and rainy weather during the drumming period, thiophanate-methyl can be sprayed once every 7 days for a total of 1000 times. It can be sprayed twice and it can prevent and cure anthrax (rust stains). reward. If you want to follow the instructions, use the manual method to pull and not to fry the clams. When the upper part of the lower part turns yellow and the upper part turns slightly green, you should start to pull out, put the store to post-cook, dehydrate, dry, pull in time, prevent fry, and reduce losses. , with threshing machine off or pressure suppression can be, in order to ensure the quality and color, after cleaning the grain not exposed to the sun, to be placed in sacks, storage or under the yin cloth dry, natural precipitation for sale.

Frozen Fruits

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