Tea polyphenols can promote diabetic wound healing

Tea polyphenols can promote diabetic wound healing

August 17, 2018 Source: China Medical News

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On August 2nd, the Journal of the American Association of Experimental Biology published the research results of the team of Professor Sheng Jun from Yunnan Agricultural University. The main components of tea polyphenols can effectively promote the healing of skin wounds in diabetic mice by inhibiting the target of inflammation in diabetic wounds. . This is the world's first natural monomeric active ingredient found to promote the healing of diabetic wounds. The research results provide a scientific basis for the development of drugs that promote the healing of diabetic wounds.

It is reported that Professor Sheng Jun's research team used biomolecular interaction technology, cell model and animal model to carry out systematic research and found that EGCG (epigal catechin gallate) is a catechin monomer separated from tea. The molecular mechanism by which the role of the membrane receptor Notch is promoted to promote wound healing in diabetic mice. The results showed that EGCG significantly inhibited Notch signaling pathway, macrophage accumulation and inflammatory response in wound skin of diabetic mice. At the same time, the research team evaluated the effects of EGCG on diabetic wound healing. In the diabetic mouse wound model, the wound healing rate of the EGCG-treated group was about 18% higher than that of the untreated group, which was close to the normal group. Re-epithelialization and collagen deposition assays of skin wound tissue samples also confirmed the promotion of EGCG on proliferative wound healing.

In May 2017, the research team was the first in the world to prove that the anti-inflammatory target receptor of EGCG is Notch. The anti-inflammatory effect of EGCG is through inhibiting Notch, and the difficulty in healing of diabetic wounds is due to the high expression of Notch. The result of long-term inflammation.

The project was funded by the Yunnan Science and Technology Leadership Talent Project, the Yunnan Major Science and Technology Special Project and the National Natural Science Foundation Project.

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