Grape green branch grafting method

Grafting period. Generally from June to July, rootstocks and scions are suitable for grafting when semi-lignified. Anvil, ear selection. Select large seedlings with strong growth potential, disease resistance, cold resistance, and strong healing power (you can also use local mountain grapes or thorny grapes). The scion used the secondary shoots of good varieties in the production park. Grafting method. Using the splicing method, first select the raw shoots of the year in the good garden, cut off the head and tail, take the middle shoots, cut off the leaves, leave the petiole, leave one bud, and cut the 4 to 5 cm long scion. Leave 2 centimeters at the top of the bud and 3 centimeters at the bottom to cut the sides of the bud into a wedge-shaped bevel, 2 centimeters long. The noodles should be flat and smooth. After moisturizing the scion, select root stocks that are basically the same as the thickness of the scion, and leave 3-4 cuts (not more than 30 cm above the ground) to temporarily retain the leaves. Then use a grafting knife to gently pry apart from the middle of the section, 2 cm long, insert the scion into the mouth of the rootstock, align the layers, cut the top of the scion on top of the rootstock rake, and finally use a plastic film strip to pull the scion from bottom to top The incision on the bud and the petiole incision are bandaged well. After the management. After grafting, the temperature is high and evaporation is large. Pay attention to watering and keep the soil moisture. And at any time check, the secondary shoots on the rootstock should be promptly removed. After grafting to survive, loosen the film strips. When the scion has 2 to 3 leaflets, remove all the leaves from the rootstock. China Agricultural Network Editor

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