Prevention of rose scab

1, sickness. Scabs are most popular in summer and autumn in Beijing. A dark brown spot with a diameter of 3 to 4 mm appeared on the leaves of the rose diseased plant. There were yellow halos around the leaves and the leaves fell off. When the disease was severe, only branches and infected shoots were found in the rose plants. 2, early prevention (1) Rose seedlings to prevent dripping water on the leaves, sprinkler irrigation must be sprayed in sunny morning. (2) Before the colonization operation, 800 to 1000 times of chlorothalonil is used to prevent disease. After 5 to 6 months after planting, when the rose height of the rose does not exceed 30 cm, the pesticide is sprayed once a week, and the spray is applied promptly after the rain. Both front and back of the rose leaves must be sprayed. Rose mature and old leaves are not easy to infect, when the rose is more than 40 centimeters long, the seedling period did not infect melasma, to the summer and autumn and rainy season, do not fight drugs to prevent rose swallow disease will not happen. 3, after the onset of the disease, early treatment found that a small number of diseased rose occurs in the rose, timely removal. Spray 800 to 1000 times chlorothalonil in time, once a week, spray 4 to 5 times. After removing the diseased leaves for the first time, strict attention was paid to the discovery of spot lesions on the new leaves, and all lesions were removed at a diameter of 1 mm. Practice has proved that at this time removal of diseased leaves will not be reinfected due to operations. In this way, you can usually cure one time and observe that there is no new disease. Stop the treatment. Generally, there is no measles infection above 50 to 60 cm in the rose height, and no black spot disease will occur without spraying.

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