Common diseases and control of green turtles

Green-eared turtle is a unique aquatic ornamental animal in China. It not only has ornamental value, but also is a nourishing product with high nutritional value. Its adaptability and disease resistance are very strong, and the disease is less. However, due to the influence of human factors, biological factors and physical and chemical factors of water bodies, it often leads to the occurrence of some diseases and brings about certain losses to the breeding of the green turtle. On the basis of breeding and referencing related reports, the author gave an overview of the common diseases and control methods of the green turtle.
1 White eye disease
1.1 Causes and Symptoms There are many reports of the cause of the white-eye disease of the Guantian green turtle. Some people think that it is caused by parasitic grasshoppers on the turtle's mouth, ingestion, and nostrils; high temperatures and water pollution can also cause it. Some people think that because of the serious alkalinity of the water, the eyes and nose are irritated and inflamed, followed by bacterial invasion, and others think that it is caused by eye infections that infect bacteria. At the early stage of disease, the diseased tortoise often rubs the eye with the forefoot. When the disease occurs, the diseased turtle's eye becomes inflamed, congested, and reddened. Corneal erosion, eyes covered with white secretions, severe blindness in the eyes, the final thin and dead.
1. 2 control methods
1.2.1 Keep the water clean; kill the diseased turtle grasshopper with 7% lime solution; or place the disease turtle away from the water in a dark place until the white secretions fall off.
1.2.2 Replacement of neutral or weakly acidic water, and dissolve one tablet of methamidine in each cylinder of water, that is, add 5000 metric units of midexin in a 5000 ml cylinder.
1.2.3 Add a certain amount of animal liver to the feed to strengthen nutrition and enhance disease resistance. 1.2.4 The glass jars and ceramic jars of the green turtle are soaked with 10% saline for 30 minutes.
1.2.5 1% of nitrofurazone or furazolidone or rivanol (Leffert's solution smears the lesions of green turtles for 40-60s. Do not allow the liquid to adhere to filamentous green algae. Apply the pesticide and apply to green turtles. Put into the white bowl filled with clear water, change the water immediately after half a minute, if there is no yellow liquid in the water, you can put it in a sterile tank. Apply once a day for 3-5 consecutive times. day.
1.2.6 If the white eye disease caused by excessively high alkalinity, can also be relieved by changing the water and flushing, it can also sprinkle 20-50mg/l of superphosphate or acetic acid.
2 Saprolegnia
2.1 Causes and Symptoms are due to turtle body damage and fungal infection. Attached to the limbs of diseased turtles were greyish white cotton-like watery mycelium. The appetite of diseased turtles was reduced, and weight loss was weak. In severe cases, the lesions were congested or ulcerated. The disease mostly occurs during hibernation.
2.2 Control methods
2.2.1 Care must be taken to avoid damage to the turtle body; disinfect the dissolver and diseased turtle with 4% saline solution plus 4mg/l soda water mixed solution.
2.2.2 3-5% saline solution soaked for 1-2 hours once a day and recovered.
2.2.3 The antibiotics and sulfa drugs are mixed in the feed (the ratio of baits is 1;100) 0.2 g of the bait is administered per kilogram of diseased turtles per day and fed for 3 days.
2.2.4 2mg/l gall nut showering.
3 neck ulcer
3.1 Causes and Symptoms Viruses and water fungal infections cause swelling of the turtle's neck, ulceration, followed by the appearance of white floc clumps, difficulty in stretching the neck of the diseased turtle, loss of appetite, weakened activity, and eventually death. The disease is more harmful High morbidity and mortality. Popular in May-August.
3.2 Control Methods
3.2.1 Incidence season Add a certain amount of animal liver to the feed to enhance the nutrition of the turtle and increase its resistance to disease; and use 0.4mg/l of strong chlorine to spill once every 10-15 days.
3.2.2 Immerse the affected area with 5% saline for 10 minutes, 3 times a day.
3.2.3 When disease occurs, the diseased turtle is isolated and the turtle container is dipped with 5mg/l bleaching powder for 24h; for the isolated diseased turtle, the affected area is first cleaned with 5% saline, and then the ointment of oxytetracycline or chlortetracycline is used. Apply the foam to the turtle that has not yet developed. Sprinkle with 30-40mg/l strong chlorine or 100mg/l bleach. 3.2.4 Each kg of diseased turtle is injected intraperitoneally with 2 mg (mixed in 0.5 ml of 50% glucose solution) gamma globulin or placental globulin.
4 Corrosion
4.1 Causes and symptoms may be due to bacterial infections. The main symptom is that a certain or several pieces of horny edge shields or vertebra shields of disease Turtles are rotted and black, sometimes rotted into nicks. In the place where the carapace rots, it is difficult for the algae to grow and affect the ornamental value.
4. 2 control methods
4.2.1 Strengthen feeding and management to enhance the disease resistance of turtles. Before stocking, soak for 30 minutes with 10% saline solution.
4.2.2 The application of 1% nitrofurazone or rivanol solution to the affected area has a certain effect.
5 Rotten skin disease
5.1 Causes and Symptoms Diseases caused by pathogenic infections due to catching, transport injuries, or bites due to fighting between turtles. The incidence rate is higher. The main symptoms are necrosis of the skin tissue at the extremities, neck, tail, etc. of the diseased turtle. The skin becomes white or yellow or has red scars, and then the skin becomes rotten, some claws fall off, and the extremities of the limbs are exposed.
5.2 Control methods
5.2.1 It is best to keep the green-eared turtles single-handedly to avoid mutual biting; strengthen feeding and management, and be careful during the capture and transportation process to prevent injuries.
5.2.2 Apply the wound with 1% nitrofurazone or rivanol once daily for 6 days. 5.2.3 20-30Iu/ml penicillin or streptomycin spilled to control pathogen infection and promote wound healing.
5.2.4 When the onset is severe, 100 mg/l of norfloxacin or furazolidone may be used for total spillage, and 30-40 mg/l of strong chlorine may also be used for sprinkling once every 2 days.
5.2.5 5% saline soak 3-4h.
6 Green hair decay
6.1 Etiology and Symptoms Due to lack of light, water quality is not appropriate, severe acidity or partial alkali or free chlorine in water is not removed, water pollution results, the main symptom is that the green hair on the turtle body gradually fades from dark green to green. Yellow-green, light green, or even yellow, severe death of filamentous green algae. The tortoiseshell is left with grayish lime.
6.2 Control Methods
6.2.1 Increase light intensity and time.
6.2.2 The use of tap water as feed water to remove chlorine, feed water requirements clean and pollution-free.
6.2.3 Adjust the water quality so that the ph value is between 6.8-8.0, most suitable between 7.0-7.5.
7 Green hair alopecia areola
7.1 Causes and Symptoms Green hairy alopecia areata is caused by larvae of Chironomidae feeding on algae in the green turtle tank. The symptoms are the baldness of the green hairy turtle, and the presence of long strips of dirt in the bald patches or filiform algae, in which chironomid larvae are hidden.
7.2 Control methods
7.2.1 When using water fleas as feed, wash thoroughly to prevent larvae from entering the container.
7.2.2 When handling green-eared turtles with lake water or river water, treat them slightly to avoid the eggs and larvae of Chironomid larvae entering the container.
8 Feed Diseases
8.1 Etiology and Symptoms The disease may be caused by feeding high-fat or moldy feeds, or feeding too much, or if the food is single, insufficient vitamin intake can cause the disease. Diseased turtles are slow in action, often swim in the water, lose appetite, and finally stop eating and die.
8.2 Control methods
8.2.1 do not feed high-fat diet, such as fat, etc.; do not feed the spoilage of feed, appropriate addition of B vitamins and Vc, VE in the feed.
8.2.2 Feeding of animal and vegetable feedstuffs to control the amount of feeding; assisting digestion drugs such as yeast tablets and Other feeds.


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