Eat fruit at night can lose weight

Many people think that fruit is rich in cellulose, almost free of fat and protein, and instead of meals with fruits, you can rest assured that eating without restraint, both weight loss and beauty, kill two birds with one stone.

Do you eat fruit at night to lose weight? Nutrition experts point out that from a nutrition point of view, fruit is not a very low-energy food, but it contains different levels of calories and sugar. Because the taste is sweet and easy to eat too much, the sugar in it is converted into fat and accumulated.


Do you eat fruit at night to lose weight? Dinner eats a lot of fruit, which is more likely to cause fat accumulation. For example, there are approximately 30 kilocalories of heat per 100 grams of strawberries, and 100 grams of litchi can provide about 90 kcal of calories. If one can eat a lot, the calorie intake is not low. Another example is that in the summer, some girls only eat watermelon without food. In fact, half a medium-sized watermelon makes you unknowingly consume 680 kcal of calories, which is equivalent to 3 bowls of rice. Therefore, eating only fruits and not eating results may be counterproductive.

In fact, other nutrients necessary for the human body, such as protein, fat, and trace elements such as calcium, iron, and zinc, are contained in small amounts in fruits. Therefore, long-term use of fruit diet, fruit as a meal, whether it is too late or not, will cause inadequate intake of protein and iron, causing anemia, reduced immune function and so on. The correct way to lose weight should be light diet plus regular exercise. It is not a bad idea to eat fruit meals occasionally, but not every day.

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