What are the hazards of moldy corn to feed pigs?

How to identify moldy corn?

1. Normal corn kernels are mostly yellow-white, full of particles, no damage, no insect bites, insect infestations and moldy deterioration. Moldy corn has yellow or green, black hyphae in the visible embryo and has a loose texture and musty taste.

2. Moldy corn bran is particularly easy to separate.

3. Observe the germs. Inside the corn germ, there is a large black or dark gray area with moldy corn. At the bottom there is a small spot of black corn with good quality.

4. On the palate, the better the corn eats, the sweeter it is. The moldy corn tastes bitter in the mouth.

5. In fullness, the proportion of moldy corn is low and the grain is not full. Take a handful of floating particles in the water. In addition, we must also be alert to unscrupulous traders using oil to polish moldy corn and dry them. There are also some lawless elements who spray germinating corn with herbicides and then sell it for drying.

6. The blackening of corn kernels is caused by prolonged periods of high humidity and high temperature; the embryos have green outer layers, which are caused by threshing prematurely, and are too late to dry; germinal skin becomes green or black, which is the reason why the time is too long.

Why can't moldy corn feed pigs?

Moldy corn contains aflatoxin, which causes aflatoxin poisoning in pigs, commonly known as “yellow pigs”.

Piglets and pregnant sows are more sensitive. Poisoned piglets often exhibit acute episodes of central nervous system symptoms. The head bends to one side, the horn arches are reversed and they die within a few days. Big pigs have a long duration of illness, lack of energy, loss of appetite or waste, thirst to drink; visible yellowing of the mucous membrane or pale, redness or bleeding skin congestion; limb weakness, walking paralysis; feces after the first dry, thin, In severe cases, bloodshot blood and blood stasis are mixed; urine yellow or tea yellow is turbid. In late-stage diseased pigs, psychiatric symptoms such as convulsions, opisthotonos, etc. occurred intermittently, and many died due to failure. The body temperature of chronic intoxication pigs is basically normal, the appetite is reduced or eliminated, or only the green feed does not eat feed, and the visible mucous membrane is slightly yellowish or pale, and the skin is basically normal. However, the internal organs have been damaged by toxins. In the event of a stimuli, the illness often aggravates and even causes unexplained death.

In the practice of raising pigs, mold corn is not as harmful as swine fever, blue-ear disease and other infectious diseases, and the herd suddenly develops and there is a large number of deaths. His harm is potential, or it can be accumulated bit by bit. It may be normal in appearance but may be affected immediately after being affected by external stress. For example, the rate of miscarriage and estrus in sows is poor, and gilts and fattening pigs have swollen vulvaes. The most frightening thing is that he can cause the pig's immune system to decline (that is, what we call immunosuppression), resulting in poor vaccine immunity and increased pig sensitivity to various diseases.

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