Diabetes can not eat eggs

Eggs contain high-quality protein, high nutritional value, and egg yolk is rich in lecithin is an important substance to maintain the normal function of the brain and improve memory, increase nutrition is essential for diabetics, but diabetics should not eat too much eggs, daily It is more appropriate to eat 1 egg.

Sugar Friends can not eat eggs in the end

People's concerns about eggs are mostly due to cholesterol in eggs. Indeed, egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, a 50-gram egg, cholesterol content of about 293 mg, so many people keep it away from it, even when the egg is consumed directly lose the egg yolk. In fact, cholesterol is not a useless substance. It is involved in the synthesis of vitamin D and many hormones and biofilms in the human body and has important physiological functions. In addition, the egg is a highly nutritious food with a biological value of 95, which can be regarded as the most nutritious protein in natural foods. Egg yolks are also rich in vitamins and lecithins. Recent studies have shown that lecithin is a strong emulsifier that facilitates the passage of lipids through blood vessels and prevents the deposition of cholesterol and fat in the blood vessel walls. Therefore, we cannot simply deny it with "high cholesterol" in the egg yolk. We think it is not good for health, but we must comprehensively measure the nutritional value of eggs. Nutrition experts believe that whether diabetics can eat eggs varies from person to person. If it is a simple increase in blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids are normal, you can eat eggs, but eggs as far as possible not fried or fried, boiled, steamed, stewed can be. If you have diabetes with high blood lipids, coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease, kidney disease, you need to judge the level of blood cholesterol to eat 1 egg a day. Or eat a good one every two days, this part of the crowd is best to eat eggs under the guidance of a doctor or dietitian.

What to pay attention to eat eggs

Eggs must be cooked and eaten. Remember not to eat raw. Infants and young children, the elderly, and patients who eat eggs should be boiled, lying, steamed, and dumped as well. Try not to eat eggs and stinky eggs. People with kidney disease should pay attention to controlling the protein contained in eggs to the total amount of protein in the whole day. Beware of contaminated eggs on the eggshell when you beat eggs.

Diabetic people with coronary heart disease should not eat too much eggs. It is advisable to use no more than one daily. For those who already have hypercholesterolemia, especially severe patients, one full egg yolk can be eaten in two days, and the protein can be appropriately increased. In any case, diabetics must eat eggs in the right way in order to scientifically obtain the nutrients the body needs without adversely affecting their own condition.

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