How to Eat Healthy Lunch for Office Workers

With the development of the economy, the opportunities for urban office workers to eat out have greatly increased over decades ago. Not long ago, in certain business districts in Shanghai, between 20 and 49 years old, a survey of employees with good health status at present showed that the intake of vegetables and fruits was too low for lunch and the intake of dietary fiber for lunch was far lower. The recommendations of the Chinese Nutrition Society. Office workers have a high rate of obesity and poor gastrointestinal conditions. Nutritional cognition is generally low, and it is not enough to grasp nutrition-related knowledge, but nutrition attitude and behavior are good.


Misunderstanding 1: eat too spicy easy to hurt the stomach

The most popular cuisine today is Sichuan and Hunan cuisine. Many people are willing to abandon their lives even if they are greeted with tears. Pepper contains plenty of vitamin C, rich in fiber, low in calories, and pepper also contains carotenoids that are easily absorbed by the body. It is good for eyesight of white-collar workers who often face computers. However, too spicy food is not suitable for people with gastric ulcers. Eating too much can easily cause the esophagus to heat, destroy taste bud cells, and cause loss of taste.

Misunderstanding 2: A bowl of noodles for lunch

Many people are busy with work and lunch time is a luxury for them. Beef noodles have meat as staple food, both in large and small restaurants, and a bowl to solve a meal has been welcomed by many people. However, if you only eat a bowl of beef noodles at noon, the intake of three major nutrients such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates is not enough, and minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients are still lacking. The pasta will be absorbed and utilized by the body quickly, and it will be fast and hungry. It will be very easy to have hunger. For people who work late in the afternoon or work hard, the heat they can provide is absolutely impossible to ensure that the body's entire afternoon energy supply, the work efficiency will naturally decline.

If you want to eat, you should also mix more vegetables and eggs.

Misunderstanding 3: Drinking for lunch can help

For the "brew fairy" family, do not drink at noon, otherwise it will certainly affect the efficiency of the afternoon, but will also seriously affect the quality of work. Because the main ingredient of alcohol is alcohol, it has a strong numbing effect on the human brain. If you drink more alcohol at a time, your consciousness will be in a state of confusion for a long period of time, and you will be unable to control your emotions and behavior.

Misunderstanding 4: fast food to eat the most convenient

In addition, eating too fast a working meal is not conducive to the body's digestion and absorption of food nutrition, aggravating the “processing” burden of the gastrointestinal tract, and also slowing down the digestion and absorption process of food nutrition in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby affecting the ability to work in the afternoon. Normal play. Try to choose an elegant, quiet environment to eat and dine for at least 30 minutes. This will not only protect your stomach, but also allow the brain to calm down, organize your thoughts, and work in the afternoon.


In fact, as long as the office worker understands some remedial measures, it can make lunch more nutritious.

Boxer family: It is convenient for busy office workers to bring a snack lunch with a phone call. However, the lunches are sent from the end of the production to the hands of the people. The middle period is longer and the nutrients in the vegetables are more depleted. Secondly, salt and fat in the box lunches often exceed the standard, while green leafy vegetables are insufficient. Long-term dietary calories can cause obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.

Remedy: It is recommended that you bring your own fruit as a supplement every day. It is best to eat it about 1 hour after lunch. Green leafy vegetables are eaten on dinner. As for the noodle lovers in the box family, they can bring their own eggs, ready-to-eat soy products and fresh tomatoes and cucumbers to supplement the deficiency of protein, minerals, vitamins and fiber intake.

Addictive people: spicy incense pot, red oil hot pot, spicy grilled wings ... ... During the lunch break, convened a few spicy colleagues enjoy eating together really enjoy an appetite and happy. However, too much spicy food can not only stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, but also cause symptoms such as getting angry and constipation.

Remedy: Be sure to choose cold vegetables such as bitter gourd, bitter chrysanthemum, lettuce, etc. to eat, in order to reduce the irritability caused by excessive spicy food. After returning to the office, you can eat sour fruit rich in organic acids, cellulose, etc., to accelerate gastrointestinal motility, and help those who eat chili pepper Ziyin Runzao, which grapefruit is not bad. Can also drink a cup of green tea, both refreshing and lowering fire solution tired.

Snacks: Most of them are young women. They are convenient for the first time. Second, they want to lose weight. They only use snacks and fruits as their lunch. This is the most damaging of all lunch types. Inadequate nutrient intake may lead to malnutrition and decreased immunity for a long time. Irregular eating habits can easily lead to metabolic disorders in the body and lose weight and health.

Remedy: Should choose high nutritional value, easy to digest snacks, such as 10-15 nuts, a bag of oatmeal, a cup of yogurt or a fruit, a small piece of dark chocolate. Also note that eating snacks can not affect the dinner, snacks are only used to make up for lack of food intake of three meals.

Canteen family: The quality of food in the canteens of a canteen is relatively guaranteed. Fresh green leafy vegetables can also be eaten. If it is self-service, the number of food choices is the key. A staple food, a meat or fish, a fruit, and three vegetables are sufficient to meet the energy required for afternoon activities. For ordering meals, dishes may be single and easy to eat.

Remedy: Eat fruit appetizers half an hour before lunch, drink yogurt after meals to promote digestion, which is no good for sitting at the computer after lunch, and it is very helpful for office workers who are prone to indigestion or fat accumulation.

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