Woman wants to eat for young breakfast

If women want to stay young, they must realize that breakfast is also very important!

1 cup of fresh yogurt + 2 whole wheat breads + 1 tomato and yogurt

Vitamin A content in tomatoes is very high. Vitamin A is a good thing for the future. It is a professional woman who often writes on the computer or at the desk. It needs to pay attention to the maintenance of the eyes. At the same time, the main functions of Vitamin A are to promote skin cell renewal, increase the new speed of deep skin cells, and strengthen the connection between cells. Strengthens the skin's elasticity and regulates the keratinization process of skin cells.

2, a bowl of red date corn porridge + chicken sandwich

Corni's carotene and all kinds of vitamins are very high; red dates can boost blood qi, and can effectively enhance immunity; plus a chicken sandwich, with the kind of breakfast can make your body full of vitality, enough to cope with one morning The heavy and busy work is the first choice for high-intensity professional women.

Perhaps, there are still many office workers who are in distress: "I understand all these reasons, but it is a bit difficult to implement."

What kind of breakfast do office workers want most? First of all, the waiting time cannot be too long. It must be quickly obtained on a fast-paced morning. Second, it must be well-digested. Indigestible foods will cause discomfort for the entire stomach and reduce the efficiency of work. Third, the need for hot food . Eating warm food in the morning helps to restore vitality to a body that is not yet fully awake.

If this is the case, then you may wish to consider the cup soup for breakfast. On a tight time in the morning, spend 15 seconds to make a cup of soup. Eight different flavors, corn, mushroom, pumpkin, tomato, potato, chicken rong, spinach and other nutritious and delicious ingredients are used as raw materials. Add rich milk, accompanied by crunchy bread bits, and the mouth feels mellow, smooth, seven days a week. You can pull out new tricks. Convenient, nutritious, and rich, you should have no excuse for omitting the most important first meal of the day.

Do not eat breakfast four crimes

Do not eat breakfast easy to gain weight According to nutritionists confirmed that breakfast is the most difficult to change into a fat meal for everyone in a day, not eating breakfast is not much help for the consumption of fat, the body once aware of nutritional deficiencies, the first to consume It's carbohydrates and protein, and fat is the last. What's worse is that skipping breakfast will also make lunch more, causing the body not to digest and absorb, but it will easily cause accumulation of subcutaneous fat and affect the body.

Do not eat breakfast easy to constipation in the three meals a regular situation, the body will naturally produce gastric colon reflex phenomenon, the body is conducive to detoxification; the other hand, if you do not eat breakfast into the habit, it may cause dysfunction of gastric colon reflex, resulting in constipation. The body's detoxification is poor, and toxins accumulate to a certain degree in the body and can easily be turned into acne. This is a radical way of detoxification.

Not eating breakfast is easy to get old. The energy and nutrients provided by breakfast occupies an important position in the intake of all-day energy and nutrients. If you skip breakfast or the quality of breakfast is not good, the human body has to use glycogen and protein stored in the body. Over time, it will lead to Dry skin, wrinkles, and anemia accelerate the body's aging and can cause nutritional deficiencies in severe cases.

Not eating breakfast is easy to get sick without eating breakfast, easily lead to a variety of chronic diseases: the stomach is hungry for a long time, easy to cause gastritis, stomach ulcer; lack of breakfast, lunch will be a lot of eating due to hunger caused by the burden of the digestive system, easy to induce gastrointestinal Diseases; skipping breakfast will make blood platelets easier to stick together, increasing the chance of heart disease.


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